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"I'm...claustrophobic..." Ju--won said while trying not to break out in panic.

"What does that mean? Just calm down and don't panic. It's not that bad to stay here, I mean here are enough towels and-" Sungjin was cut off by someone before he could finish his sentence.

"It means Ju-won is scared of small rooms, you idiot. And as you probably can see, it's very bad to stay here." Riki said while rolling with his eyes.

He saw Ju-won struggeling with her breathing. He went towards her and laid his arms on her shoulders to calm her down.

"Hey Ju, you need to calm down okay? I know it's hard for you but if you panic yourself it's gonna be harder for you to breathe. Come, just sit down. "

Ju-won looked in his dark eyes while trying not to panic. She sat down and leaned against the wall with her legs angled.

"Come breathe with me Ju-won. Breathe in and breathe out. Slowly." Riki said in a comfortable voice.

Ju-won tried to follow his orders. She breathed in and breathed out slowly.

"Is there something I can do? Should I call someone to help us to open the door?" Sungjin asked worriedly.

"Can...Can you call...Heeseung please?" Ju-won said with a shaky voice. She was still trying to get her breathing under control. Riki crouched in front of her.

"Sure, I'll try" Sungjin replied.


The phone call:

"Hey Heeseung, here's Sungjin. The staff member."

"Yes, where are you guys? We're all waiting for you "

"Yes, so there's a problem. After we entered the closet room the door closed and it doesn't open anymore. I think the door lock is broken. I didn't know about it, I've only been working here for a week"

"Couldn't you just called the building superintendent?"

"Your sister wanted me to call you. I don't know I think she isn't fine."

"What? Please pick her up on the phone"

Sungjin went to Ju-won which still leaned against the wall.

"Your brother wants to talk to you"  he said and gave her his phone.

"Hey Heeseung" She said slowly.

"Ju-won, what's going on? Are u okay?"

"No... The door closed and... and now we're.....stuck in here. And as you prob...probably know, small rooms and me..... we aren't really good with each...other"

"Oh my gosh. I'll be there in a few minutes don't worry. But can you please give me Riki for a second?" Heeseung asked.

Ju-won held Riki Sungjin's cell phone in front of his face. Riki took it and held it next to his ear.

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