My little love 5

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Ignore my mistake there are too many words so I'm lazy and I wrote this months ago so yeah...

Something wasn't right in the royal household the staff could sense the coldness between the King and Queen,since their daughter has been born they were on good terms but that slowly faded

They didn't know why but there were many rumors they discussed between themselves,that the King was allegedly cheating on his wife after she gave birth.

The Queen even stopped sitting mext to him at the table as they ate,she now sat across from him digging into her plate like it was someone's eyeball

Can you stop doing that ?,it's annoying "he complained not looking up at her as he continued eating his dinner.The staff were now tensed at the tension growing in the dining room

Samuel didn't know why he even spoke to her knowing she was angry at him,it's like he just dug his own grave because she dropped her utensils on the plait causing everyone in the room to flinch at the sound

Theresia stormed out of the room to somewhere far away to cool off or distract herself ,he sighed dropping his utensils the same way she did in annoyance before leaving

It's like they shared one brain the both of them were heading to the Princess Evenlyn's room ,a cute baby could make you forget everything .She got there before him and was already holding the baby

He walked in seeing making evelyn giggle furiously, he locked the door behind him stepping closer towards the baby to hold her.Theresia refused to give her to him by clutching the baby to herself," give me my child" he demanded still holding out his hands for her

She shook her head,"no" ,so he had no other choice but to talk their situation out before it rubbed off on their kid.He signalled the nanny to come in "take her" he ordered the young girl.
Theresia didn't have a problem with giving her daughter to her at the same time she didn't want to talk to him.

The nanny carried Evelyn in her arms smiling at the baby then bowing when the couple left.

Samuel stopped his wife from going anywhere else by pulling her by the elbow in a room,she rolled her eyes pushing passed him to leave but he slammed her back against the door pining her arms above her head

They stared into eachother's eyes feeling the heat rising in them so far they were sweating by just looking at eachother with so much lust,but he still had a bit of self control

"Why are you so angry with me ?"he licked his lips breathing heavily while looking down when he opened his eyes he was almost on her breasts
She was going through her cleavage phase which was making him feral

"Oh I don't know maybe because you kept letters from and to Abigail "her eyes changed from lust to anger she was so close to breaking out of his hold but he pinned her back harder this time which made it impossible for her to even move

"You went through my things ?" Samuel didn't know that she had no trust in him that she would even go through his things but she got what she looked for

Is that the only thing you care about ?"She asked smiling in disbelief ,just by looking at his face was making her angrier he wasn't even denying the letters instead he was focused on her going through his things

No ,I just find it crazy that you didn't trust me in the first place to go through my things"he looked up at her from under her chin,fuck he looked so sexy right there she could just cum by looking at him

And I was right ,wasn't I ?" She mockingly smiled at him looking down,he finally got his face out if her chest "No you weren't because she and I are a past"

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