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Hey there!

My swiftie side could not let August pass without me posting a one-shot inspired by the song so... here it is! 🥳

Enjoy! 😉

P.S: Please bear with my very rusty writing 😄


Summer, 2010

He saw how her delicate lips quivered, her slim hands shaked, and how the tears slipped down her face uncontrollably.

"I screwed up, alright. But I never once lied to you! Each time I told you I loved you I meant it with all my heart. Never did I think of you the way you think I do."

Her words rendered him speechless.

Tae Gu saw how terror filled her eyes, how she encapsulated the anger and rage of her words. She looked pain-stricken, vulnerable, and ready to break at any moment.

She was far from her usual cheerful self. And it was—a little—terrifying. He felt the intensity of her anguish but no matter how much he wanted to pull her into his embrace to calm her soul down, he couldn't because he knew he would have to face her wrath.

His girlfriend continues to spill her pain out through her deep choice of words that his system refuses to take in; instead, he chooses to remain silent and try to calm her down every few minutes whenever he senses that the level of—what he isn't sure—her pain or anger lowers.

It takes more time than he thinks for her to stop speaking, and when she does, she lets out a loud amused laugh despite her tears still continuing to fall down her face. She jumps up and down happily, her face filled with joy.

The sight of her like that makes him laugh. It makes him feel a sense of proudness and it makes him adore her talent even more. What he had just witnessed just further cemented his belief in her and he knew she was gonna make it far into the industry they wanted to pursue.

When she calms down, he pulls her onto their bed and hugs her tightly, peppering her with soft forehead kisses.

"You did great," he whispers against her forehead and she laughs.

Her laughter feels like music to his ears. He loves hearing it. So much.

"Thanks." She is cupping his cheek, gently caressing his silky skin with her thumb. "You think the crew will like me? I think I'm starting to get cold feet."

"Of course they will! Imagine being able to say that you worked with the award-winning Yoon Seri on her first project. That'd be a huge honor!"

His words leave her grinning. It makes her feel excited for the future before them.

"Thank you for believing in me." Seri returns, smiling brightly as she buries her face into his chest.

"You know I'll always be your number one fan."

She leans in to plant a soft kiss on his lips, "Likewise, Actor Min."

They stay as they are for a while — enjoying each other's company. They know the busy schedules they might have in the coming months knowing they are both booked for their first projects. So, they take advantage of the times where they are both at home and they are able to enjoy the comfort they bring to one another.

The room is silent and they remain in each other's embrace, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere they have.

It's just them. In pure bliss. Excited for what their future holds for them. No more, no less.

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