A Spark Of Hope.

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Owen knew Apo was dead. He knew it. But something in the back of his mind still wanted to latch on, latch onto the thought that he could still be alive, that's why Owen was in the maze. Looking for a dead man. And with Ori's words that very morning, that hope kept get larger and larger. Like a parasite.

As selfish as it was to admit, a part of Owen wished Apo was dead, so he wouldn't have to lose him a 4th time, so he wouldn't have to keep going through this never ending cycle. What Ori said kept booming through his mind.
"Are red eyes normal?"
He knew that the person Ori was speaking about was most likely Oeca, but still. That small shimmer of hope in the back of his mind tugged on the thought that maybe.. just maybe.. Apo was still here. Still in this very maze Owen was standing in at the moment. It being Oeca that Ori was talking about made sense. Too much sense. And from the years that Owen had fought inside these 4 walls he knew, nothing ever falls perfectly in line. Though there was the chance that that skull at the entrance of the maze was Apo's, that the person who brought Ori back was Oeca and that Owen was just slowly going insane but he just needed to check. One last time.

As Owen climbed down the ladder he could feel the heat of the lava directly next to him only centimeters away from his foot. He stared down at it with hatred. He never feared fire, only those who caused it and even then he couldn't bring himself to fear them. Apo caused a lot of fires, metaphorically speaking, though Owen couldn't bring himself to hate him. Not anymore, just in the moment. He looked down at his clock. 9:30, still morning. He kept walking. He didn't know where to look, where he could go to find someone like Apo? His footsteps echoed within the maze corridor. He could hear the groaning of the zombies within the hollow walls of the maze as the sound of lava bubbling behind him begun to sound more distant.

"I trust you with my life, Owen."
"I'll do everything in my power to protect it."
"...I know you will."

Owen stopped. The memory had hit him like a flying brick. That day by the waterfall. When they were by the water purifiers, Apo had shown Owen how to use one. What had Owen ever done for Apo? Every promise that Owen had made to him had been crushed and broken.

"I'll stop them from killing you but that's as far as it goes."

He tried. He really did try to protect him. He tried to protect everyone. That's what he had promised during the election, that'd he'd keep everyone safe. But now 3 deaths have already happened under his supervision. Squidney, Oeca, Mohwee, probably Apo too. How long has he been looking around this maze for? Since the doors first opened up this morning? He checked his clock again. Midday. A small tear began to form in his eye. He wiped it away and kept walking, mumbling to himself.

As he walked through the maze he didn't know exactly where he was supposed to be looking. The maze was endless, Apo could be anywhere, if he was even still alive that is. Owen's heart grew heavy as he continued to search through the maze but no matter where he went there was no sign of Apo. He payed as he checked his clock again. A bit past midday, he better be going back soon. As he stood near the corridor before the entrance he had already lost all hope. He stared down at his clock, accepting the fact that his best friend was gone. Ori could've been going insane for all he knew, it's Ori after all. Owen had never trusted that guy, not since the first day he had arrived up that elevator.
"I'll go to the levers, say my goodbyes, and then start living my life." Owen repeated to himself at tears swelled up in his eyes. He'd better hurry before the doors closed but at this point? He didn't really care. If he was to die he'd rather die knowing the truth behind what happened to Apo and according to him Apo was dead. There was no denying it.
He walked his way over to the water jumps as he climbed his way over.
"Better than looking for a dead man." Owen said to himself as he walked.
"Everything will be okay." Owen heard a familiar close to him. He stopped. Was that.. Apo..? No. It couldn't be. But he just needed to check. One last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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