dare 43

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Me: This is going to be amazing. *makes the two swap places with each other* 

Tfa Optimus: What am I doing here? 

Me: You have been dared to swap places with the other Optimus, enjoy your week in hell. 

Tfa Optimus: No!!! Don't leave me. 

Tfp Optimus: I'm sure it's gonna be fine. 

In the Tfa universe 

Tfp Optimus: Alright every- 

Bumblebee: Who are you?! 

Tfp Optimus: I am Optimus Prime from another universe. 

Sentinel Prime: You are definetly taller. 

Bulkhead: You can say that again. 

Tfp Optimus: I heard some of you are insubordiante, I will let you know that I won't tolerate that. 

Bumblebee: Understood sir. 

Meanwhile in the Tfp universe

Tfa Optimus: Hi everyone. 

Arcee: Is it just me or is he tiny?

Ratchet: It isn't just you. 

Smokescreen: Even Arcee is taller, no offence. 

Tfa Optimus: Sooooo

Ratchet: Decepticon activity in sector five, I think it's a mine. 

Ultra Magnus: Let's roll. 

Tfa Optimus: Can I help? 

Bumblebee: :;Just stay close to one of us and you'll be fine.;: 

Tfa Optimus: Understood. 

At the mine 

Megatron: Ultra Magnus, where is your fearless leader. 

Ultra Magnus: He had to switch places with him from another universe, don't go too hard on the little guy. 

Tfa Optimus: Hi?

Megatron: That's Optimus?!

Tfa Optimus: Y-you're really tall you know. 

Megatron: Hehe, I will enjoy this. 

Knockout: Hey everyone, want some popcorn while we watch the show?

Bulkhead: Sure. 

Tfa Optimus: Guys?

Wheeljack: Enjoy fighting with Megatron. 

Megatron: Soundwave make sure to record this. 

Soundwave: *nodds* 

One week later 

Me: So how did it go?

Tfp Optimus: It was fun, they're no longer insubordinate and Megatron is in jail. 

Tfa Optimus: It was terrible... Megatron was so scary. 

Me: You'll see what happened, Soundwave recorded it. 

Tfp Optimus: Okay? 

Me: Well hope you enjoyed and have a nice day everyone.  

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