Chapter 6: Dodged

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Once Mattheo was finally accepted into the friend group, things surely but slowly got a lot better. Things were less tense, and they actually got along really well. Mattheo found himself getting closer to Lorenzo and Theo out of them all, despite his and Theo's fights and differences they came to realize just how much they have in common. Him and Theo were both very competitive. Mattheo realized that one day on the Quidditch field when Theo got really angry after losing to Enzo and Blaise. He had absolutely lost it and wouldn't speak to them for the rest of the day until Enzo got the idea that they should bring him his favorite chocolate and suddenly all was well.

Theo was the one who talked Mattheo into trying out for the Quidditch team, and he was probably the reason he got in, considering his status as the team captain.

They all went to Hogsmeade together. They drank Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks and went shopping after they were done. They'd go into different stores, try out funny clothes for a laugh, and then walk out again without even buying anything. Mattheo and Enzo did homework together, helping each other with the subjects they each found difficult. Mattheo also learned, in his time of being friends with them, that Draco and Blaise mostly just looked intimidating, but they were rarely the ones who started anything serious.

Theo was definitely the most hot-headed out of all of them. Blaise was the jokester. Draco was the most loyal, which would be the only reason he got into fights because he stuck up for his friends, not because he initiated them. Lorenzo was the glue. He took care of everyone and made sure that they were okay. He cared for them so deeply. That was something Mattheo had never experienced before.

They were well into November now, moving past Halloween and slowly inching towards Christmas. The first big Quidditch match was around the corner. Slytherin against Hufflepuff. It was pretty nerve-wracking, but they helped each other, practicing together and studying various plays and tricks.

"Do you think you've got it?" Draco asked, looking at Mattheo whose eyes were firmly on the paper beneath Draco's finger. There were various drawings of possible plays and outcomes for the first game of the year. "I think so?" Mattheo replied slowly, eyes still scanning the pages before him.

"You don't need to think. You need to know." Draco slammed his hand on the table, removing the paper at once. "Simmer down, Malfoy," Theo laughed, "a few months ago, he barely even knew what Quidditch was."

"How can you be so calm about this?" Draco asked, voice irritated, "we need to win."

"And we will," Theo responded, "because quite frankly, our team has never looked better than it does now, and we're going up against Hufflepuff. If anything, we only need to worry about Gryffindor, and that game won't be for at least a few months."

Draco sighed. "Whatever you say, Nott."

By now, it was the day before the match. The five boys were sprawled out in their common room, bored out of their minds. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Theo asked, turning his head to look at Mattheo. Mattheo raised his eyebrows, nodding slowly at Theo, who moved to sit up on the couch instead of laying down.

"We never found out your last name?" Theo looked at his friends across the room. They were equally as interested in the conversation as he was himself. "I'm not going to force you to say it," Theo paused, "but if I'm honest, I've been thinking about it a lot."

Mattheo sighed. He knew that if he told them the truth, they would never speak to him again. He couldn't afford to lose them now; that would be a disaster.

"Uhm," he began, thinking of every possible way to get out of this conversation, "I'm trying to cut the ties to my family, so I prefer not to be referred to as my last name."

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