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You stood on the sidewalk in front of the street light awaiting your date's arrival, wearing one of the outfits that Jay put in your outfit guide.

You tapped your foot on the pavement anxiously. 'Maybe I should pretend I'm texting someone..' you thought to yourself as you watched the people walk past you, not being able to stop themselves from eyeing you down, or at least glancing your way as they passed. 

After about two minutes of arguing with your thoughts, you decided on looking for a place to sit down and wait at. So that's what you did, you found a bench about 20 feet away from where you were originally told to meet up. It wasn't long after sat down that you were approached. 

"Hey (Y/n), are you ready to go?" asked a man in a blue striped suit. You've never seen him, so why was he acting like he knew you? 

"Sorry, I'm afraid you've got the wrong person." you said with a smile, not wanting to question how he got your name. 

"(Y/n), it's me. Vasco..?" 

You looked at him as if he had just tried telling you the earth was triangular, mouth agape as you stared at him in disbelief. 

He looked nothing like what he usually did, he acted different too. Yet somehow, it all still looked effortless, like he'd done this before. 

"Are you sure it's you?" you questioned, raising a brow at him. 

"Yes, I'm su-" 

"How much money did I spend on you at the auction?" you interrupted. Thinking back, you realized it wasn't a great question to ask, as the amount was announced to everybody at the festival. 

"$13." he replied simply, laughing at how shocked you were. 

You nodded in approval and stood up from your seat, waiting for him to say something as he insisted on planning the whole date when you talked about it over text. His face turned stone cold, as he wasn't sure what to do himself. Even though he ended up going to Zack for advice the week before, that didn't help much as Zack didn't really know what he was doing either. 

Finally, Zack's teachings came back to him, and he reached his arm out behind you, leaning forward to get closer to your face. 

"Let's get some food, (Y/n)." 

"WHA-" Daniel blurted from the street corner, quickly silenced by Jace slapping a hand over his mouth. 

"Shhh!" he hissed, placing a finger over his lips before turning back to you and Vasco. 

You shot a closed-eye smile at the trembling boy, not noticing how he was just barely holding himself up, as he didn't realize he needed to place his hand against a wall for Zack's strategy to work. Vasco was leaning against nothing. 

You soon found yourself sitting on the floor across from Vasco at a small, run down restaurant by the name of "Mom's Taxi Driver Restaurant". 

You looked at the bowl in front of you, taken aback at how the fish was still moving in the soup. 

'Maybe it tastes better when its still... wiggling..?' you tried convincing yourself. 

"I come here with friends all the time! It's a hidden gem!" Vasco giggled, a innocent smile on his face as he waved his arms in the air. 

"The food looks good! I can tell why you like this place." 


"It's our meet-up spot.. He really took her to our meet-up spot..." Jace mumbled from outside the window of the restaurant, dumbfounded. 

"Is that fish still moving?! (Y/n)'s gonna get food poisoning if she eats that! She'll get salmonella!!" Daniel wailed. Jace only rolled his eyes at Daniel before shushing him once more.

Vasco took a spoon and filled it with the soup, making sure to get a little bit of everything. 

"The roe here is great. They even give you refills!" Vasco smiled charmingly, holding the spoon in front of him. 

"That's nice!" you smiled. 

You hesitantly grabbed your spoon, scooping up the soup and putting it up to your lips. 

'Maybe it tastes good but looks bad.. Like curry.' you told yourself as you sipped at the soup, careful not to swallow any of the bones you encountered. To your surprise, it wasn't bad.

Vasco sat up slightly, watching you as you ate the soup, thinking. After seemingly deciding on something, he slammed his hands on the table, standing up before reaching towards you. He grabbed your hair in two sections, holding them in pigtails. 

"You'll get it on your hair. I'll hold it for you." he offered. 

The gesture was nice, you had to admit, but he was holding your hair so tightly that it started to pull at your face. 

'Don't freak out. Don't freak out. DON'T FREAK OUT.' 

Vasco held your hair until you decided you were full and stopped eating, allowing him to finish his half of the bowl. 

"Hold on." you began, standing up and leaning towards him, taking his hair in your hands and holding it in two pigtails, just how he did with you but a lot more gently and with a lot less face-pulling. 

"You'll get it in your hair." you smiled. 

"(Y/n) is insane." Daniel whispered. 


Vasco looked up at you and laughed, amazed by your ability to make things feel less awkward and more lighthearted. 

He quickly scarfed down the rest of his food before paying, and you talked outside the restaurant, getting to know him a little better before you decided it was time to go. 

"Thank you for dinner. See you at school!" You bowed before running off, your heels clacking on the concrete as you went. It was your turn to work the night shift so you needed to hurry up and change bodies quickly. 

"Why is she running?-" Jace whispered, poking his head out from the newspaper he was using to cover his face, squinting at you as you sprinted down the street. 

"I think she said she had work today.." Daniel answered, not too sure himself as to why you were running so fast. 

'I'm never wearing heels again, this shit hurts.. Sorry Jay-' 

You ran through the alleyway faster than you ever thought you could. Not paying attention to your surroundings as you stepped over a sewer, your shoe getting caught between the metal bars, breaking your heel instantly and causing you to fall backwards. 

'Now I'm really not wearing heels again.' you thought to yourself as you closed your eyes, accepting your fate. 

You waited for the impact, you waited to feel the concrete hitting your back, the sharp pain spreading to the rest of your body as you would've yelped in either pain or surprise. 

But it never happened. 

You opened your eyes, part of you wanting to believe you had just gained super powers and was floating in mid-air. Of course, that wasn't the case. When you opened your eyes, you were greeted by Vasco holding you in his arms, an oddly calm look on his face as he held you up. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, helping you to get back on your feet as you removed your, now broken, shoe. 

"Yeah, I am.. Thanks." 

"I wanted to tell you something.." he began, removing one of his shoes. "This is my first date.. So if I did something wrong, I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do." He crouched down on one knee, placing his shoe onto your foot. 

"You shouldn't walk around barefoot. You could step on something." he said as he stood back  up, starting to walk off. 

"Get home safely." 

You stood there speechless, now wearing his shoes. You watched as the boy walked away barefoot, and after finally recollecting your thoughts, you walked back home. 

'I guess I'll give them back at school..' 

『 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 』 lookism x fem!reader (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now