01-Down To Earth

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I dream of being able to leave this prison. See my brother again. Be able to have a life. But it's impossible for me. I am a sister which apparently is a crime to have more then one child. My mother had me when my brother was only a year old. He didn't feel the need for a sister but when he met me he loved me. Our father was floated for stealing medicine for both me and my brother that wouldn't have helped anyways. I spent most of my life hidden inside a patch through the ceiling of my home. Although my mother was best friends with a woman who has also had another child. Octavia. She was my best friend because I knew she understood me. Our mothers were always so cautious when bringing us to see each other. My brother, John Murphy would mess around with Bellamy and me and Octavia would play and run around. One day when I was 15, Murphy was 17, Bellamy was 17, and Octavia was 15 our brothers decided to plan for us to go and see the Ark for the first time and see the moonrise. Unfourtanetly we were caught. My mother and O's we're floated for having us and me and O we're arrested. Couple of weeks later my brother had gotten arrested for setting a section of headquarters on fire. Classic Murphy. Arrested for being born. Lovely right?

Present Day

The cell door opened as I was drawing and Murphy laying down as we jumped up to face the door. "Prisoner 296. Prisoner 307. Face the wall. "What is this?" I asked facing the wall "Quiet" The guard said opening a case I turned and looked. "Hold out your right arm" He took out a wrist band and I panicked "No, no, no, it's not my time I don't turn 18 for another year" Murphy turned around "Neither am I. I still have a month left" The guard walked up to us "Hold out your arm" Another guard pulled out a shocklasher I stepped back as the guard grabbed me by force "No!" I yelled trying to free myself from his grip "Get away from her!" Murphy pushed the guard away and punched him as I shocklashed the other guard with his shocklasher we ran out and saw that we weren't the only ones being taken. It was every single prisoner. "Catch them!" A guard yelled from down the hall me and Murphy tried to run but we we're surrounded "Naida." He turned to look at me with sorrow "I love you kiddo" I teared up "I love you too big brother" the guard's shocklashed him I gasped and then I was shocklashed too.

Fast Forward
I woke up slowly. My head and body ached. Once I blinked a couple of times I realized I was strapped into a seat. Panicking I started pulling at the straps. "Don't even break a sweat." Someone next to me said I looked over and it was a boy around the same age as me he had goggles on his head and he looked nice. "Already tried. Think their automated or something" He said suddenly the entire place shook "Where the hell are we?" I said "On a ship" A girl said in front of us "Okay.. follow up question. Where the hell are we going?" I asked concerned "Earth." She said "I'm sorry the what?" I said "We're going to Earth" She said again "But it's not survivable. W-We'll die" I said panicking once again "We'll see when we get there" I looked around and saw more kids my age "I'm Jasper by the way" The boy said I smiled slightly "I'm-" I was cut off by a monotor switching on revealing Jaha the Ark's Chancellor "Prisoners of the Ark, Here me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not juat a chance for you, but for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable." A guy then shouted "Your dad's a dick, Wells!" People laughed the boy in front of me was Wells Jaha. Son of Thelonious Jaha. The chancellor. God I'm gonna hurt him. "Those crimes will be forgiven, your records wiped clean" He continued "The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough nonperishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years" Suddenly a guy was floating in front of us people whooped "Spacewalk bandit has struck again!" Someone yelled as he landed in front of Wells "Check it out. Your dad floated me, after all" He said with his arms crossed I smirked "You should strap in before the parachutes deploy." Wells said a girl laughed. She was sitting far so I couldn't tell who it was. "Hey, you two, stay put if you wanna live" The girl in front of us yelled at two guys getting out of there seats "Guess I'm just weak huh?" Jasper said looking down I put my hand on his shoulder "No, straps are complicated" I said with a comforting smile. He looked at my hand then at me "Mount Weather is life. You must locate those supplies immediately" The spacewalker as they call him started talking to the girl next to Wells but I couldn't hear them. The two guys managed to unstrap themselves "Stay in your seats!" The girl yelled. We felt the parachutes deploy as the two boys fell and hit a couple of polls that made smoke come out. The spacewalker fell too but in front of us. "Finn, are you okay?!" The girl screamed as we fell Wells and the girl yelled at each other but no one could hear a thing with the noise coming from the landing. As we landed everyone was quiet for a second "Listen. No machine hum" The guy next to Jasper said "Whoa. That's a first" He said as everyone started to unstrap themselves. The girl went to go check on the two guys "Finn, is he breathing?" She asked but he just had a guilty look on his face "The outer door is on the lower level. Let's go!" A guy shouted "No. We can't just open the doors!" She yelled running to the ladder I followed behind her and Finn followed me. "Hey, just back it up, guys" Someone with a familiar voice said "Stop!" The girl yelled as she got down the ladder and pushed through the teenagers "The air could be toxic" She said to him "If the air is toxic we're all dead anyway" The guy said as I got off the ladder I hear another familiar voice "Bellamy?" I looked at the other ladder and saw Octavia I smiled so much "My God. Look how big you are" Bellamy smiled and they hugged "What the hell are you wearing, a guard's uniform?" Octavia said "I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you" He said smiling Octavia hugged him again and he chuckled "Octavia! Bellamy!" I yelled and they looked back and looked shocked "Naida?!" Octavia yelled as she shed a tear I ran up to her and hugged her tightly I laughed in joy "Where's your wristband?" The girl asked Bell Octavia pulled back and faced the girl "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother or Naida in a year" She said with a slight attitude "No one has a brother!" Some guy yelled "That's Octavia Blake! The girl they found hidden in the floor!" Another girl said Octavia then went to hit her but Bellamy held her back "Octavia. Octavia, no. Let's give them something else to remeber you by" She looked at him "Yeah? Like what?" His face brightened with an idea "Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years" They both smiled and Bellamy grabbed the lever and pulled it and the doors opened with a lot of light. Octavia took a deep breath in and walked down the door onto the grass and jumped down and walked forward a bit. She put her hands up "We're back, bitches!" She yelled everyone cheered and ran out. I looked back around and saw Murphy I ran to him and hugged him tight and he did too "Come on let's get outta here" He said as we walked out and we walked up to Octavia and Bellamy and I hugged Bellamy since we didn't get to "I missed you so much" I said "Yeah me too princess" He said pulling away and dabbing up Murphy and Murphy hugged Octavia and we ran around in the grass. After a bit Murphy gathered up some guys and basically ganged up and we saw Wells grab Jasper and push him "Hey, hey, hey, hands off him. He's with us" Murphy said Wells backed away "Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are" "We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" Bellamy said Wells walked up to him "We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority" He said stopping in front of Bellamy and Octavia as me, Murphy, and Jasper followed, Murphy's men with him "Screw your father. What? You think you're in charge here, you and your little girlfriend?" Octavia said I smiled "First off not dating. Second off, you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather. Not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now." Bellamy stepped up "I got a better idea. you two go, find it for us. Let the priveleged do the hard work for a change." "You're not listening. We all need to go" Wells said but the Murphy pushed him "Look at this everybody, the chancellor of Earth." Everyone laughed "Think that's funny?" He said but then Murphy swept his leg "Wells!" The girl yelled but one of Murphy's guys grabbed her "No. But that was" Murphy said Wells then stood up limping getting ready to fight "All right" Murphy said as everyone chanted until Finn dropped down from the ship "Kid's got one leg. How about you wait till it's a fair fight" Murphy backed away a little "Hey spacewalker. Rescue me next" Octavia said he turned to look at her so I pushed him "Naida" Octavia said as I walked up to Wells "You're lucky he got in the way. But trust me when I say I will do everything to make your life a living hell" I turned away and grabbed Murphy and he smiled at me as we walked away "Just like I taught you" He put his fist out and I pounded it "Murphy style" I said. (A bit later) I heard Octavia say "Sounds like a party. Make it five" Then Bell said "Hey what the hell are you doing?" "Going for a walk" I walked up to them with Murphy "Cool. I'm in" I said "Hey. We're you trying to take this off?" Clarke said grabbing my arm "Yeah. So?" "So this wrist band transmits your vital signs to the Ark. Take it off and they'll think your dead" I snickered "Should I give a damn?" "Well I don't know do you want people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months, because they won't if they think we're dying" I got in her face "The only people that love me are already down here you arrogant piece of sh-" Bell grabbed me "Hey, calm down princess" He looked at the hoodie I was wearing and looked confused "Is that my hoodie?" I pulled my arm away "Maybe." I said with a mischivous smile "Your the one who brought it to me in jail" I said "Didn't know you still had it" "Of course I do. Just like everything else you've given me" Murphy then gagged "Gross" I kicked him in his shin he groaned "Yep you're my sister alright" "Alright if you guys are done. Let's go" Clarke said as everyone followed "Meow" I mocked, Murphy, O, and Bell laughed "Alright go" Bell said and Octavia hugged him "Don't worry I'll keep an eye on her for ya" I said "Heard that!" Octavia said we both laughed "You coming Murphy?" "Uh I'm thinkin hell no" I rolled my eyes "Alright whatever" I hugged him then Bell and placed a kiss on his cheek "Be back soon pretty boy" I saw his face blush before I turned catching up to everyone. I saw Octavia walked up to Clarke and I heard her say "Before you get any ideas Finn's mine" "Before you get any ideas I don't care" Clarke said and Octavia stayed till I caught up "Your delusinal" She looked at me offended "How?" I rolled my eyes "Murphy told me about how he would hear Finn and that one mechanic Raven Reyes pounding so hard the walls shook" She looked digusted "Well there goes that dream boat" I giggled "If it makes you feel better, he would've been a better couple with you" She smiled.
Yayy first chapter done :)
Btw for context, Bellamy's given you 2 necklaces and a ring. One that's a heart and has princess on it since he calls you that. A matching one with him, he has the lock and you have the key since you have the key to his heart ;). And a ring that has angel on it because after calling you princess he began calling you angel. And btw you don't have a gun yet just the knives. Obvi because of Murphy. Let me know what else you would like me to add and if you would like for me to make different stories with other characters of The 100 like Clarke, Finn, Lexa, etc. And if you're okay with smut kind of stuff and if I should post that and also the non-smut version but same scene. Well thanks for reading I'll update soon <3

I Was Always Yours. (Bellamy Blake x OC)Where stories live. Discover now