What's going on!?

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Author's Pov:

Time skip.
At night.

Here y/n was at her apartment after the event and the long day.
She came inside her room and closed the door behind her.
"Gosh! What was that!? Did it just happened for real!? I mean... Did he just kissed me... Am I dreaming or what?" She said to herself placing her hand on her chest to calm down the acceleration of her heart.

She decided to shrug off those thoughts and take a long nice shower before going to sleep.
She first need to take off her jewellery and dress to take a bath. So she went and stood in front of her dressing table. She was about to touch her necklace when she heard a knock on her door.
"Come in~" she said in a sweet voice. Soon she was welcomed by a handsome man who was none other than her roommate aka
Min Suga...
She was surprised to see him at this hour in her room.
"Yo-yoongi, what are you doing here? I mean, do you need anything?"  She asked him to which he didn't replied but just came near her and stood behind her.
"I'm sorry for whatever happened at the University function, I actually didn't mean to do all that, but just after I saw you in this dress, I lost my senses.
And at that time I only wanted to tease you, but the things got a little carried away. The moment I saw you in your attire I just couldn't stop to admire you and... And to think about you. It's just I wanted to feel you as you looked so hot in this dress, but trust me I don't mean anything else by my actions. You can say... It was just an infatuation or attraction. Just don't mean anything else please. I'm sorry and thanks for that moment it was just-"

"Stop! Enough is enough! I thought you finally started to change, but you... You are still a playboy... A fuckboy who only knows how to play with girls and there feelings. You really thought I would forgive you that easily!? Do you think I'm a slut, that you'll feel like to use me and then walk away like nothing happened saying just a SORRY of yours!? No... No Mr. Playboy, no. It's not even your fault, it's me who is the fool to think that a person like you, a playboy like you could change, I was the fool to believe you and trust you, I was the fool who challenged you to make you regret your words and wore this dress, I'm such a big damm fool to even think you have feelings for me... I am just a fool!"
She cried. She was fuming in anger after being used and betrayed by him. But her anger streamed out in the form of hot tears flowing down her cheeks.
And here Yoongi was confused by her words but still feeling guilty and ashamed as her words have a lot of truth in them.

"Y/n, just please calm down. We can talk tomorrow"

"Talk tomorrow!? Are you serious!? Duh, there's nothing left between us to talk about. I won't ever want to talk you again. I don't want see your face. I hate bully's, I hate playboys, I hate bad guys... I HATE YOU.
Just get out of my room right now!"
"Y/n please listen to me"
"I said GET. OUT."

He tried to say something but when she shouted in him, he got quite and went away banging the door loudly. He straight went out of the house. Y/n started crying after he went out. She felt betrayed, she felt disgusted on herself for letting him touch her and kiss her. She really thought he was changing, she was changing him... But who knew this would ever happen.

End of Author's Pov.
Yoongi's Pov:

After that fight I directly came out of the apartment to take some fresh air. I was angry yet guilty of my deeds. Yes, I deserve it. I deserve to be hated for ruing such an innocent girl, for using her, for betraying her.

But the thing that is still roaming in my mind is, whenever someone said they hate me, they don't like me, they are afraid of me,... I never felt anything about that but when she said that she hates bully's and playboys and bad guys... And that she hates me, why did it hurt me that much!?
Why did it sting in my heart, my heart clenched on her words... But why? I never felt this before, then what is this feeling, why do I feel this way!?
Y/n-ahh  what did you do to my heart... Why does it feel the way it never felt before!? Do I like you... Yes or no...!?

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