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"You're going on tour again?"

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"You're going on tour again?".... She asked.

"Ju-won... I wanted to tell you,really!" Heeseung answered while looking at her.

"Really? When? We never stayed here for so long we did now! "

"Let me explain, please Ju. Let's go in front of the door, Riki and Sungjin don't need to hear this." Heeseung said while going towards the door.

"Ju...I'm sorry I should have-" Riki started to say.

"No, Riki not yet" Ju-won cuf him off before following her brother.


"Why didn't you tell me Heeseung? Am I the only one not knowing about that?" Ju-won asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm sorry Ju-won. I didn't know how to tell you about it. We started planning this since I went back for work when you had to recover from the accident. I know you don't want to go but you have no other choice, I'm sorry"

"I have no other choice? Really? It's not that I don't want to go but... Heeseung, I'M SCARED! You don't know how it is to feel your chest start hurting and and the feeling of not being able to breathe anymore! I can't go on this tour with you"

"Yes Ju-won, I don't know how it is to have a panic attack. But you'll go with me. Even if I have to carry you around, you're going. DON'T PISS ME OFF IS THAT CLEAR?" His voice raised suddenly.

"I CAN'T HEESEUNG!. Why don't you get this?" Her voice was shaky.

"Mom and Dad would want you to go with me. Think of that, Ju-won" He answered standing in a mighty pose with his arms crossed.

"Really? You're bringing mom and dad in with you? Are you serious?" Her eyes started to fill with tears.

"No.. I... Ju-won..."

"No Heeseung. I'm sorry I can't do this anymore" She said before running down the escalator.

"Ju-won!!" Heeseung yelled without getting an answer.


Riki and Sungjin meanhwile:

"What's happening?" Sungjin asked confused.

"You Idiot hahaha" Riki laughed while shaking his head.

"Did you just call me idiot?" Sungjin raised his eyebrows.

"Yes I did. Why did you have to ask her about the world tour? It was Heeseung's thing to do that not your's"

"I didn't know about that! I thought she'd know about this"

Riki shook his head without replying.

"Why didn't he tell her earlier? It would be sad if she doesn't come with us"

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