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(ITALICS = thoughts)
Introvert + Extrovert = Ambivert

8:00 a.m

I quickly jumped up,eyes wide open from the sudden scare.

"LEAVE ME ALONE MINJ-"... oh it's just my alarm.. I yawned and hopped out of bed..
I went to my bathroom and started brushing my teeth.


Y/n is a 16 y/o ambivert,savage,smart,teenage girl. she doesn't really get bullied at school but she isn't popular either..today is her first day of 10th grade. She doesn't have any friends, but she does have little sister Minji, which she has a love-hate relationship with..

Minji is a 14yo extrovert,savage,smart,teenage girl
She is very popular at her school,well, 'old school' because she is going into high school (9th grade).

Back to Y/n POV

After I brush my teeth and do all the other necessities, I put on my clothes.

What You Wear:

What You Wear:

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(I tried✋😭)

After on last look in the mirror I head down stairs to eat breakfast.

"Hey mom" I smiled to her "Good morning sweetie! How did u sleep?" She asks as I sit on a stool in front of the kitchen"Eh..I got jump-scared by my alarm but other than that, fine"

I heard a chuckle I look to my left to see a rat..aka my little sister Minji staring while smirking"

"What?" I ask. "That's such a classic, getting scared by your alarm clock" she says with a grin on her face. "Shut up, you can't even spell classic" I say and roll my eyes looking back at my toast and jam my mom had put down while me and Minji were bickering.

"Don't start fighting, because y'all will have to stick with each other for 7 more hours"

Minji widened her eyes "7 HOURS?!?" Minji shouts. "Yep, because you don't know your way around Minji, Y/n does, so you have to obey her rules..

My eyes lit up thinking about how all the control will be in my hands while we're at school at school.

"Also, if one person steps foot in this house even 1 minute, before the other one does, you both get you phones taken,but y/n since you'll be in charge you'll get that,plus another punishment..

(Don't be dirty minded you know what I mean🌚)

What?!? Minji wont listen to me!.. I thought to myself.

"Now hurry up and eat break-fast so y'all aren't late."

Still Y/n POV

Me and Minji arrive to school and are about to walk in until..

???: "MINJI!" I hear a voice yell behind us.

Minji turns around and her face brightens up when she sees who it was, she was about to run to her, but I grabbed her arm, "And just where are u going?" I asked, as her friend ran towards us.

"Uhm with my friend where else.." she says in a sassy tone as she tries to free herself from my grip. But I just tighten it.

???: "Who is she?"

Minji: "she's no one, come on" she yanks her arm away from my grip while I was distracted,then walks past me with her friend.

I stare at her until she disappears. "Have fun finding your way around cus she definitely can't show you" I mumbled..

???: wow they ditched you on the first day of school

I look up too see a very handsome guy with a smirk plastered across his face. I admire all the features on his face because I haven see him before and all the boys at my school were ugly af
So this was a surprise to me..

???: "done staring?"

Btch..I wasn't staring at you..

Me: "yeah"

???: "good,now show me around"


Me: "uhm..sure"

???: "btw I'm Yoongi,Min Yoongi"

Me: "Kim Y/n.. now come on before I'm late." I put my hand out waiting for him to give me his schedule.

But instead he grabbed my hand flipped it and placed a peck on the top. My eyes widened as he smirk.

Yoongi:"Oh come on, don't act like it's the first time some one did that to beautiful girl like you".

Me: "I don't have to act bec-"


Shit, I'm late!!

Leaving Yoongi dumbfounded,I ran through the halls as I look for my first period class.

I open the door, still panting and from running around as I opened the door I find a bunch of kids staring at me.

Wtf are y'all looking at...

Sorry y'all Ik this part kinda sucks but I promise the next one will be better, or at least I hope because I am making this up on the spot 😭

My Flirty Bully YoongixReaderWhere stories live. Discover now