He Is My Mate?!

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 Angie's Point Of View

I'm Angie Storm. The new girl in a town full of werewolves. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm also a werewolf but there's just something off about this place. My father decided to move me and the whole pack to this town called Silver Stone. Just because I made one mistake back at home, well my old home. Just like every ordinary werewolf, I have anger issues. Just mine are a little more.. how do I say it? A bit more menacing.

As I grew up, my anger kept getting worse and worse. I once put one of the pack she-wolves in a hospital bed on the verge of dying. Hold up hold up before you start thinking how could I there's a reason, but it wasn't a good enough reason to beat the bloody pulp out of her.

So, what had happened was that she started arguing with me. I shrugged it off, she was just saying dumb things about me. Then, she started talking about my family. How my dad is a useless Alpha, how he had never done anything good for the pack. That's where I snapped. You're not about to talk about my family like that. I ran up to her, grabbed her by the neck and started beating the shit out of her. I couldn't stop. I wanted to, but it was too late, my wolf had taken control. The anger mostly comes from my wolf. Scarlette. It's any wolf's instinct to attack when being threatened.

But back to the story...

I had to be pulled off of her by some of the pack warriors. When I came back to recognition, I saw what was left of this poor girl's fragile body. They deemed me too dangerous and I had to be chained to a chair as I watched pack doctors run from every direction. I heard footsteps and howls everywhere. I watched when she was picked up, and put on a gurney. I listened closely to her breathing, and she was BARELY breathing. I felt so horrible. After that, I went from the "bad girl" to a shy shell of a girl. The girl that I almost killed stayed behind with her family at the old pack house. Everyone else came with us. All the wolves in the pack are terrified of me, even the male wolves. What can I do now? What's done can't be erased. Not anymore.


I slowly opened my eyes to the sun rays beaming in through my window. Turning towards my phone, I read the time. 5:30 AM. I start my first day of school today.

Amazing, just fantastic.

I slowly got out of bed, pressing my warm feet on the cold hardwood floor. I slowly dragged myself towards the bathroom to get ready for school. I stripped down my pj's and entered the bathtub to shower. 25 minutes later I got out, and grabbed my towel on my way to my room. Last night I had pre-planned my outfit. I slowly grabbed my leggings and slid each leg into them. I threw on my blouse and cardigan, along with my socks and boots. After I had finished, I walked into the bathroom to fix up my hair. I grabbed my brush and started combing through it. "Fuck. Shit. Owe," were the few words I kept repeating to myself as I combed out my knots. When I was finally finished, I put some conditioner in it and walked out. I looked at myself in the mirror,

"This is a somewhat good outfit for my first day," I casually said, shrugging in the mirror.

I then quickly gathered my things and headed downstairs. As usual, Jason had already gotten ready and was finishing his breakfast. How do boys get ready so fast? I dragged myself to the table and sat down. I quickly made myself a sandwich, grabbed an apple, and headed out the door. I slid into the passenger seat, and slowly closed the door. Jason turned the car on, put his seatbelt on, and backed out of the driveway. As we were on our way a couple questions came to mind.

"Hey, Jason? I have a question" I asked.

"Shoot baby sis" he responded.

"Do you think we will finally find our mates?" I slowly asked.

"Maybe, only the moon goddess knows when and where we are gifted with our mates," he said.

"Okay, now I have another," I shyly said. He turned and nodded at me.

"Well I know I have Crystal here with me, but I'm scared. What if the wolves here have heard the stories about me? What if they've heard what I did to that girl?" I asked worriedly.

"Baby sis, don't worry. You know why? Because that will show them not to mess with you," he laughed and nudged my arm.

Soon after we pulled into school. I slowly got out of the car, looking around at my surroundings. As I started walking towards the entrance, this amazing aroma hit my nose. Smells like... vanilla and honey? With a hint of pine? I looked around for the source of the smell, but sadly I couldn't find it. I continued walking when I was knocked off my feet, by the one and only Crystal (aka my best friend).

"Hey lovee, you excited for our first day at Silver Stone High?" she squealed.

She's so happy and energetic. I miss being like that. "Eh, I'm in the middle. I'm excited but not excited. Only cause it's school and school is annoying," I turned and laughed.

"Well, I'm here with you. We will make it through today. Okay?" She assured me.

"Okay," I replied, smiling at my "sister." She grasped my hand, and walked towards the entrance. There were tables in front of us. Each table had a sign. I went to the table that was labeled S-Z. I waited in line for my schedule. When I got it me and Crystal met up on the other side. "Sooo let me see your classes!" she, once again, squealed. Me and her exchanged schedules and saw each others classes. We had 3 classes together. History, Science, and Gym. As I turned around towards the lockers, my eyes locked on a pair of teal orbs He was the source of the smell. HE was my mate.



Hi guys! I'm Angie. I posted this story years ago on Quotev and now I'm revising it and will be uploading chapters on here! I hope you guys enjoy this story and please rate it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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