Eclipse (SAMS)

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Eclipse is lonely and doesn't want to admit it, we all know that. This theory will have many other things that don't really seem relevant but trust me.

First thing I want to acknowledge is that Eclipse has never really had his own body, he has always been in someone else's body, (not counting the time he was confined to just being an AI because technically that's not a body). He was in Sun's body, then Bloodmoon's, then Solar Flare before he died. And I'm acknowledging this because he had several chances to have have his own body, with no other personalities but his own, yet he never took any of those opportunities.

He could have manipulated Sun and Moon to give him his own body, tho it's understandable that he didn't because they probably wouldn't do that, but he had plenty of time to get himself a new body when him and Lunar took over for the month. Or he could have killed Sun and kept his body for himself, same with Moon, but he didn't do that. He made Solar Flare, yet didn't make him self a body? He clearly didn't like being confined to AI, it could be said that they had limited resources, but they couldn't go to some sort of store with the stuff they need and just steal it? I'm sure the Bloodmoon twins would have had fun with that. And when he got the star he didn't kill Solar Flare so that the body would be completely his own, however he left him alive, why? He's killed people before what's different with this? He also didn't kill Sun or Moon.

Why does this matter? I feel like he doesn't exactly know how to be his own person. He keeps the others alive so he won't be lonely but I also think that it could be a way of him trying to be "better" or something. Remember when he told Earth to tell Sun and Moon that he was sorry, I believe that at some point between his first "death" and that time he realized that he didn't enjoy tormenting others, and wanted to be better but didn't know how, and when he tried to find words to express that he couldn't find any due to him never saying anything like that before and just getting frustrated, ending in him being mean and not seeming sorry whatsoever.

I believe that Good Eclipse and that Eclipse are actually very similar, the main difference, Good Eclipse probably didn't do as many bad things, or had much anger towards Sun and Moon, and they kinda accepted Eclipse, and trusted him enough to let him have his own body. But our Eclipse, he did do bad things, he wanted to "get revenge" on Moon for leaving him in Sun. And when he noticed there was no going back from what he did, I think he just decided to continue the "evil" thing they thought of him as.

I believe that he will come back (as we all probably expected) and he will have some kind of redemption arc, he will apologize in the strangest way possible (because it's Eclipse) and try his best to be better, attempting to show that he's trying to be a better person from actions rather than words, as Earth told him to.

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