The demon's handbook

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A demon's duty is to level up and evolve to gain strength and become the pinnacle of your lineage both to preside over those beneath you and to please your primordial

what pleases your primordial is all up to their whims and mood doing something that pleases or entertains your primordial will gain you their [favor]  whereas doing something that'll displease your primordial weather it's because of their mood or their personality will gain you nothing but their [disdain] should you accumulate enough [favor] with your primordial or others you may become their [favorite] becoming a primordial's [favorite] will essentially put you above all others of your lineage but it may also gain you the hatred of those in your lineage so be prepared to fight for your primordial's favoritism 

of course gaining a primordial's [favor] or becoming their [favorite] is not limited to just Demon's as there are rare cases where a Vampire or a Human gained a primordial's [favor] or [favoritism] but these are extremely rare cases but do not be discouraged Vampire's and Human's for it is still possible if you are to please a primordial but do be warned being able to gain a primordial's [favor] also means you can gain their [disdain]

if anyone weather demon or otherwise is to accumulate enough [disdain] from a primordial it will turn into [condemnation] which will stick with you until you are able to fully reconcile with the primordial who cursed you if you are to earn a primordial's [condemnation] then no other primordial can help you but the one who has cursed you

the same goes with having a primordial's [favor] or [favoritism] it is a fickle thing and although you have more leniency if you have their [favor] or [favoritism] there is always the risk of obtaining their [disdain]

never forget young demon's the primordial's are the pinnacle of your race and will not tolerate disrespect

if you by some cursed miracle you obtain [condemnation] from every primordial a grim future awaits you whereas if you can manage to gain [favoritism] from every primordial they may impart upon you a [gift] weather that be evolution to the highest degree or a special role of servitude between the 7 of then

end of guide: chapter 1

the server this is used for is: it's a Tensura focused server run by Dinejro

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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