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You had one final date this weekend, and that was your date with Jay. Unlike Vasco, Jay wanted to let you plan the date so that you wouldn't be dissatisfied with anything he would've picked. It was a nice thought, but you weren't picky so you were sure whatever he chose would've been fine. Either way, Jay wanted nothing to do with the planning process. 

You spent your entire time at work the previous night thinking about what he would've found enjoyable, that would also be affordable, since you insisted on paying for everything. In the process, you learned that you liked it better when somebody else did the planning. It gave you less to worry about. 

'Come to think of it.. I don't know anything about what Jay likes. Or anything about him at all. I talk about myself so much that I never actually asked him about himself... Holy shit, I'm a bad person-' you realized while planning. At that point, you had already given up and decided to just do whatever you thought would be fun. 

And that's how you found yourself at the playground, waiting on the swings, eyeing down any child who could've stolen your precious swing. 


"Ah, Jay! You're here!" you smiled at the boy as he watched you on the swings. 


The boy smiled back at you, taking the swing next to you as he waited to hear what you had planned for today. Little did he know, had no idea what you wanted to do. 

The two of you sat on the swings in silence for a while before you decided you were bored and got off. 

"Let's get ice cream!" 

You suggested, grabbing the boy's hand and practically dragging him to the nearest ice cream shop. He was surprised by your sudden action, but didn't say anything about it (not like he would've been able to anyway). 

The two of you neared the plaza where many small businesses like restaurants, clothing stores, and coffee shops were found. Somewhere inside the plaza was a small ice cream truck parked in the parking lot, there was a small line outside of it that mostly consisted of little kids and some elderly couples. 

You pulled Jay into the line, not letting go of his hand as the two of you waited beside each other. 

"What do you think you're going to get?" 

You asked him as he gazed up at the menu, seemingly trying to decide. You did the same as he did and looked up at the menu options, eventually deciding on (favorite ice cream flavor). 



The girl inside the truck nodded when you told her the two orders, disappearing out of view to scoop your ice creams. She came back within a minute with them in her hand. You thanked her with a smile and then began scanning the area for a place to sit. 

The two of you sat down across from each other, you with (favorite ice cream flavor), and Jay with strawberry ice cream. In the time you took to eat your ice cream, you also talked a lot about working at the convenience store and complaining about Daniel's bad cooking. 

"The customers are either scary looking, or are just straight up mean." 


"That's what I'm saying! And don't even get me started on how much they pay me." 

That's pretty much how the conversation went. 

It looked odd from anyone else's standpoint, but it made complete sense to you and Jay.

You eventually finished your ice cream, and got up to walk around town for a bit. You were still pretty unfamiliar with the area, seeing as you haven't lived there for too long, and you spent most of your time in the same three places. School, home, and work. 

It wasn't exactly bad, having a routine was nice, but you couldn't help but feel bored with your life. Even though you were awake 24/7 because of the two bodies, you still felt like you had nothing to do. 


"No, I already told you, you're not allowed to spend any money on this date." You scolded him, pushing his hand back down, which was pointing towards the mall. 



You grumbled, reluctantly following him into the glass doors. Even though you acted like you were annoyed, you were secretly glad he offered to buy you something. 


You walked out the mall with more than you anticipated, Jay grabbed just about everything he saw and payed for it before you could even object, so as a result, you had shopping bags stacked on both your arms, your wrists, and every finger.

Jay called his... butler..? Servant..? Let's say that. He called his servant to the mall, and in seconds, an older man in an expensive car pulled up in front of you two, opening the trunk so you could place the bags down. 


"You want to drive me home? Aww, thank you!" You smiled as you climbed into the back seat of the car, Jay following behind you. 

It was a silent ride, for obvious reasons, but it was still enjoyable. It was nice to meet Jay's servant and you even got to hear a few stories of Jay when he was younger. 

You asked to be dropped off a couple blocks from your house to avoid the possibility that Jay might walk you in and see your original body sleeping on the floor, luckily, Jay didn't object and did as you asked. You did your best to wave goodbye at him as he drove away, the bags stacked on your arms weighing you down quite a lot. 

You eventually dragged all the bags into the house, seeing as it was empty, aside from the two bodies sleeping on the floor, your original body and Daniel's new one. You let out a sigh of relief when you removed the final bag from your shoulder, stretching your arms out before grabbing your phone from your pocket, texting Daniel.


[the hotter twin]
"bro where tf are you, your shift isn't anywhere near starting"

"why are you so nosy"
"i'm at duke's place, then i'm going to work"

[the hotter twin]
"duke knows you in your original body??"

"yes, now shut up i'm livestreaming"

[the hotter twin]


Daniel left you on read after that, no longer wanting to answer your never-ending questions. You felt your questions were necessary though, because what the hell could he even be livestreaming?! You tried not to think of it since it wasn't really your business, and decided to sort out your gifts from Jay as a way to distract your mind.

Jay mostly got you clothes and jewelry, but there was one thing that was different. Inside one of the bags was a small teddy bear wearing a cardigan. At the bottom of the bag was a small keychain to match the teddy bear. 

You smiled at it and placed the keychain on your house key, then placing the teddy bear with your sleeping body so you could wake up with it when you put your new body to sleep. 



hi! so sorry i haven't updated in so long! i know this chapter wasn't the greatest but i rlly just wanted to get something out bc it's been so long.

i was struggling with this chapter since there wasn't really a chapter of lookism that i could base this off of like i did with vasco's date, so i kinda had to make up my own thing. i also started school a few weeks ago and i haven't had much time at home to write </3

i'm going to hopefully try updating more frequently but it depends on how motivated i am. ALSO TYSM FOR OVER 2K READS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AHHHH <33


『 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 』 lookism x fem!reader (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now