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"I don't want to go" I say stubbornly as I refuse to move from my spot. Hannah looks at me over her shoulder. "You have to go everyone's going to be there." I looked towards Vinnie and raised my eyebrow at him.

"Besides people who have to work but that isn't a lot" I looked back towards Hannah to see a desperate look on her face. "You would come if you liked me" she said with a pout. I rolled my eyes at her. "That does not work with me"

"Please come with me I won't have any fun without you" I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "Fine" she screeched as she ran towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. "But we're not going for long" I tell her and she nods her head in understanding.

"Now let's get you ready. I might have clothes in your size" She drags me towards her closet and starts looking through her clothes then at me. She goes through a few clothes until she gets to a black dress.

She holds it up to my body and her mouth drops open. "Damn you would look hot as fuck in this outfit." she looks towards Vinnie over her shoulder who was leaning up against the door frame. "Don't you agree?"

He looks over me and purses his lips, smirking slightly. "No comment" He turns around and leaves the closet. Hannah rolls her eyes as she looks back towards me. "Put it on" she tells me then turns around and leaves her closet, shutting the door behind her. I took off my shirt and pants and put the dress on.

I walked towards the door and opened it up to see Hannah sitting on her bed, with no Vinnie in sight. "What do you think?" I asked as I did a little pose. Her mouth drops open as she stares at me. "I think that if people at our school didn't think you were a slut before they definitely will now"

We stared at each other for a second before we broke out into laughter. "You look really hot Camilla. I have no doubt in my mind you'll be going home with a man tonight" I shook my head at her, crunching my face together. "I'm not going home with a man tonight. Tonight I don't wanna deal with any men."

She smiles at me. "Glad we're on the same page"

"Can I curl your hair?" she asks as she points towards her hair curler. I nodded my head and walked towards her vanity, sitting down on the chair.

When she's done curling my hair she quickly gets ready.

We get downstairs and her driver is waiting patiently at the bottom of the stairs. He looks up at us and his eyes practically pop out of their sockets. "Your dads going to kill me if he finds out I let you leave the house looking like this" he glances towards me and gives me a lecturing look. "That goes for you too."

Hannah scoffs as she rolls her eyes then looks towards me. "My dad's really protective when it comes to women." Then she looks towards her driver. "Don't act like my dads not going to send a bodyguard."

He looks embarrassed as Hannah sends him a smug look. "He's too easy to read," she whispers to me. I smirked at her as we went down the stairs and out of the house.

We got into the back of the car and her driver got into the front seat. "Can you play music?" I asked him and he nodded at me. "You can connect your phone under 'my car motherfucker'" I pursed my lips at him as he smirked. "That's what it's called," he says innocently. I looked towards Hannah and she nodded her head.

I opened my phone and saw he literally was not lying. I connected my phone to his car and started looking through my playlists. What do you play when you're going to a party you don't want to go to? Whatever hypes you up the most obviously.

I went to my Nicki Minaj playlist and instantly Chun-Li started playing. Hannah gasps as she puts her hand on her heart. "Oh my god I love this song" she says and I smiled as I started rapping the lyrics to her.

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