Teardrops on my guitar

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Taylor's POV:
Drew and I have been best friends since kindergarten; we talked about everything to each other, Including crushes.Drew has no idea that I'm in love with him because he's in love with her; believe me, I would know. He tells me he thinks he has it right and he's "madly in love." I smile and just listen because it's my fault, right? For not telling him how I felt. Or maybe he should've known.
Drew asked me if I was going to the game. I was thinking about it until he said he was bringing Sarah. He convinced me, though. I went. And had to endure the pain that I was feeling, seeing them together. He looks at me and makes a silly face. I laugh, because, of course, he's funny.
I go home that night and think about what it would be like if he were with me. I normally write songs about him, or try to. But it normally just ends up with me crying all over my poor guitar. Petty, right?
The next day at school, I walked with Drew to chemistry class, and I swear I couldn't breathe. He's just so perfect. But then he walks into class with her. I hope she knows she's lucky.
Drew normally drives me home, but as I was walking down the hallway towards him, he went to her and kissed her. I swear I felt my heart shatter. I guess I'll just drive home myself.
I run into my house and slam my door, and I start to cry because why am I not enough? Why can't he see that I'm perfect for him? I planned on asking him to the prom, so I put on that dress and wrote a song about him while trying to hold back tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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