Arkham Knight Coming Up!

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This was Batman and Robin Arkham VR x Male Reader, and now comes the final installment in the Arkham Series, Batman Arkham Knight. Sometime ago I had looked up the timeline of the Batman Arkham Series and all the DLC stories in-between all the games, so here's how Batman and Robin Arkham Knight x Male Reader is going to look.

1: Harley Quinn Story Pack
2: Arkham Knight(Except some of the most wanted stories)
3: Season of Infamy
4: Knightfall Protocol
5: Catwoman's Revenge
6: Red Hood Story Pack(Gonna be in the same chapter as Catwoman's Revenge)
7: Flip of the Coin DLC
8: GCPD Lockdown DLC

And just in case you all want them, here's some parts of the full Arkham Series story that I figured you'd all like to see.

1: Initiation DLC
2: Arkham Origins Blackgate
3: Batgirl Begins
4: Batgirl & Harley Quinn
5: Arkham Underworld
6: Road to Arkham
7: Arkham City Black Mask Campaign DLC
8: Arkham City Lockdown

There's the plan I have for Arkham Knight going onward, and if anyone has any objections let me know. This has been williamharley0 signing off, and I promise anyone who's stoked for Arkham Knight let me know and I'll try to get back in the swing of things.

Batman and Robin Arkham VR x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now