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Camila's POV

"Are you ok?" I asked the worker. She nods and walks away like it was nothing. I fucking spilled my coffee all over her, I feel like I should give her something as a huge apology, but what do I give?

I get out my wallet and check if I have any spare money for the poor girl. I had a few bucks but that wasn't gonna pass it. What do I do now? I go to this shop everyday. She works here everyday, how am I gonna feel now? Extremely guilty. And her? She'll hate me.

I head out the door feeling extremely bad, I probably ruined her day. No shit I did ruin her day. Her face right when she looked up at me was filled with anger.

The Worker's POV

"Damn Jauregui.. What's with the stains all over your shirt? And the hair?" Ryan asked me as he handed me a towel.

"Some girl spilled her coffee all over me when she was writing in her journal. I was picking some litter she had probably dropped and then I felt something drip all over me." I explained and he nodded.

"Babe, if she's being a pain I can tell her to leave. Isn't she the chick that always comes here on the weekdays?" He asked and I just smiled. He's the best.

"Love you." I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled and hugged me, even though I was filled with coffee stains.

"Awh you got my shirt stained!" He pouted and I laughed at him and he punched my arm softly.

I walked into the public bathroom and changed into one of Ryan's T-shirts. I could get in trouble for not wearing my work shirt but fuck that.

Camila's POV

"Picking out something for your boyfriend?" The work lady asked me as I look at the gift section.

"Haha no, I don't have a boyfriend nor do I want one" I said with a slight laugh. She looks at me with a slight giggle and walks away.

I'm looking for something that'll be good for an apology gift. I was thinking about gifting her a gift card, but I couldn't decide which type. I look around and spot the VISA gift card that'll buy you anything, no specific store. She can get whatever she wants.

I pick the $50 dollar card and head for the cash register. I feel like this would be weird to just give to her without anything else. Like I mean it's a card, a tiny weird looking card.

I look around for something that I can attach it to or wrap it up. I see a teddy bear and I insisted of getting it but, she might think I'm flirting with her. I'm not. At least I don't think I am, does it look like I am? Picking out an apology gift because I feel bad? No I don't look like I'm flirting at all. Not at all! I'm overthinking this, I should just buy the teddy bear and tape the gift card to it.

[ the next day ]

It's 8AM. This is when I get up, put on my sweatpants and sweater, grab my journal and a few bucks and walk down from my apartment and head across the street to the coffee shop. I also go in the evening after my classes. While hesitating of what she'll think about this. I open the door and walk inside with my gift.

I spotted her with some guy. Probably her boyfriend, hopefully she didn't tell him about me. He might yell at me for hurting his chick or whatever.

I slowly walk towards her, she was standing near the cash register. She was just standing there picking her nails while her boyfriend was working the register.

I wave my hands at her since she didn't see me at first. After a few tries, she looks up and mumbles something that I couldn't translate.

"Yes??" She asks.

"Oh. Um. I felt bad about yesterday, so I got you a gift. I hope you don't mind." I nervously said. She looked like a very fierce girl, I don't know what she could do.

"What is it?" She asks, this time a little nicer.

"Um, I got you a gift card. $50 is on it, I hope you enjoy it" I said as I handed her the card.

She takes it from me and shoves it in her back pocket. I take a look at her hands as they wander back up.

"Well, thank you but $50? Isn't that a little cheap for a rich girl like you?" She suddenly asks.

Did she honestly just ask me that? Oh, so since I have a rich dad it just automatically means that I'm a spoiled rich girl?

"Excuse me? First of all, I barely take the money that my father sends me. He only helps with my college and apartment fees. I have a job to pay for everything else. You should at least be happy that I felt bad and got you something. Most people would've brushed it off and not feel bad about it at all. I probably should've never gotten you an apology gift. You're so stuck up." I snapped. She just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever" She snapped back and walked closer to her boyfriend.

I was fucking pissed. She had the power to make me that mad. I barely know her. She is a fucking judge mental bitch.

I just left. If I had stayed any longer I probably would've either went to the hospital or got arrested.

I went back to my place and sat on my couch, just thinking. I always thought about things when I get mad. I don't think about the things that got me mad, but more of the things that make me a happy person.


I finished taking my extremely long bath. It felt nice to actually have quiet and calming time. I loved it. That's why I always write. Even though the coffee shop isn't the most quiet place, I enjoy the air of people laughing, drinking their coffees peacefully.

There were all different types of people at the coffee shop that I went to, you went from college students like me, trying to finish a school project to nice old couples who just enjoyed the coffee filled air.

Okay. Enough of my bizarre love for coffee shops.

I get dressed in extremely comfy clothes and went to watch some tv.

Then there's a knock. Who the hell was that? None of my friends usually would knock on my door, they usually either rang the door bell or texted me.

I nervously opened the door. Again, not knowing who the fuck was at my door.

Standing in front of me was a girl, wearing an The 1975 shirt paired with some boots. That girl was the bitch at the shop. Why the hell was she here?

"What the fuck. How do you know my address and why are you here" I snapped.

"Chill the fuck out, will ya? First of all, I'm no stalking bitch who followed you home. Your address was on the receipt, its on every single one of your receipts. Should've never left them at the shop! And also. I came here to tell you that you're banned from the shop, couldn't wait to tell you it. Sorry!" She chuckled.

I slammed the door right in her face. I probably woke up my neighbors. Oh well.

I wanted to hurt her so bad. Every inch of her curvy body. I always went to that shop. That was where I could spill my head out and feel comfortable at my surroundings.

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