Dangers of Air Pollution in Daycares

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In the nurturing haven of daycares, where the laughter of children fills the air, a silent and often overlooked threat lurks - air pollution. As caretakers of the future, it is our responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment for our little ones.

Air pollution, composed of allergens, toxins, bacteria, and airborne viruses, infiltrates daycares through various sources. Paints, cleaning agents, and even the presence of children themselves contribute to indoor air pollutants. These microscopic adversaries, though invisible to the eye, pose a grave threat to the vulnerable immune systems of young children.

Child Health and Development

The effects of air pollution on children's health are profound and lasting. Respiratory issues, allergies, and asthma attacks are just the tip of the iceberg. Prolonged exposure to indoor pollutants can hinder cognitive development, impede lung function, and increase the risk of chronic diseases later in life. Protecting children from the clutches of these health risks is paramount.

Air quality in an indoor environment is critical because it has been scientifically proven that we spend approximately 70–90% of our time indoors (UNICEF 2019). According to WHO, about five hundred thousand (500,000) children under the age of 5 died in 2016 due to respiratory tract diseases induced by indoor air pollution (IAP) (WHO 2017). Given the health relevance of IAQ, unhealthy IAQ has been assessed as the eighth (8th) most critical environmental risk factor and is responsible for 2.7% of death cases globally. Based on the foregoing, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) 3.9 focuses on drastically reducing deaths and illnesses caused by air pollution. As a result, there is an urgent need to navigate research interests to this area.

How Avata is providing relief to day care centers and their children?

AVATA traps and eliminates particles as small as 0.3 microns, which include dust, pollen, pet dander, and harmful microorganisms. But AVATA doesn't stop there; it also neutralizes odors and gases, ensuring that the air children breathe is fresh and pure.

Equipped with , AVATA utilizes a multi-layered sterilization system to capture and eliminate a wide range of pollutants from the air we breathe.

Health Benefits of using Avata Air at DAYCARE:

1. Reducing the risk of respiratory infections.

2. Decreasing the risk of Asthma and breathing issues.

3. Improving every Child's sleep cycle.

4. Making Child's lung development with fresh air.

5. Helping children's mental health and calming anxieties.

Choosing AVATA Air Purifiers for daycares isn't just about technology; it's about safeguarding the future.

In conclusion,

The dangers of air pollution in daycares are real and insidious, but they need not prevail. AVATA Air Purifiers stand as guardians, ready to shield our children from the invisible hazards that compromise their health and development. With AVATA, daycares can become beacons of purity, offering children a haven of fresh, clean air.

Use ZEBOX TECHNOLOGY-AVATA powered by Biomoneta and look out for the germs and microbes that might make your daycare unhealthy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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