My Psycho Sister Tried To Kill Me!

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Hi, my name is Cianna, but you can call me CC. And I have the craziest sister you'd ever meet! Vote and Follow to hear my story!

Me and my twin sister Adeline were born a few seconds apart. My parents had gotten Adeline first, but as soon as I came out, they set her down on the bed and they looked at ME! 

Mom: Aww she has the prettiest green eyes!

Dad: And the most charming smile.

Mom: Look at her hair!

They were so swayed by me and my blonde hair, that when we left the hospital, they forgot about Adeline! They had to drive all the way back to get her! But it didn't stop at that, for the rest of me and Ada's life my parents constantly favored me. And because of that, Ada grew to H A T E me!

 Whenever I made a new friend at school, she would try to chase her away. When I got my first boyfriend she told him lies about me. When I wanted to be on the swim team she told the couch I couldn't commit. She'd even spread rumors throughout the school! People didn't believe her though. The couch happily excepted me. My friends stuck to me like glue. And my boyfriend didn't give a fig about Ada's words. He did end up breaking up with me though, and he moved on faster than lightning, but it wasn't because of Ada. She was still extremely annoying though. 

One day in High school, Me and Nate were out on our 5th date this week, and it was going perfect. We were sitting under the sunset, having a picnic, I opened the picknick bag to feed him strawberries I packed, but I was met with horror right in the face. I saw  a garden snake! Nate was terrified of snakes. He ran away and ... we broke up. I knew it was Ada's doing, and I knew no amount of yelling could change her, so I packed up my stuff, excluding the picknick basket. That's when I notice a huge red mark on the snake, that meant it was poisonous! If Ada had put the snake in the basket she would have noticed that mark. She must have been wearing special gloves to protect herself. She knew I could have died because of it but she didn't care anyway!

I stormed home to tell my parents and Ada was grounded for a month! " I didn't do anything!" Ada whimpered but I knew it was all a lie.

I was DONE with her drama, but I knew I only had to wait a year till college.

I started focusing more on my studies, and by the time applications rolled around, I was accepted into a great university in New York! I moved away and started spending more time being me. Without Ada trying to chase my happiness away, and I was loving it. But one day, I got a horrible call from Mom!

Mom: Ada's in the hospital CC!

I was so scared and teary eyed, I booked a flight as soon as I could. Once I'd reached, Mom and Dad hugged me, and left, giving me a moment with Ada.

"Ada," I said breaking down into a sob.

"Hi CC. Listen I wanted to apologize to you about everything before. I guess I was never clear about my intentions. CC, I love you, your my sister and I've never hated you. I tried to break you and your friends up because they were spreading rumors behind your back, it wasn't me. I lied to your boyfriend, because he's a  player, he's one of those people, and I didn't want to break your heart. I told the swim coach you wouldn't commit because that's the truth and I knew you would be devastated when he kicked you out. I show affection a bit differently, because I have some obsessive condition. Mom , Dad and I didn't want to tell you because.. we thought it would stress you out. Sure sometimes I was jealous of you when you were a kid, but  I always loved you CC."

I hugged her, tears streaming down my cheeks.

And that was the story of how my sister turned from the biggest psycho jerk to the most logical caring sister.

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