My mom isn't who people think she is!

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Hey, I'm Camila, and I have a crazy story about my mom to share! Please Vote and Follow!

My mom was what you'd call the perfect mom! She'd throw a bunch of parties and had the prettiest smile! She told the best jokes and was always the most beautiful person at events! But all that changed when we shut the front door. She'd never smile, unless she was taking a picture to post online. She never joked or played with me. She was kind of a bummer.

But I still loved her, despite the way she would act. A few years later, mom married some rich guy, Mathew, and we moved into his mansion. He became my whole world. He always took the time to make me feel loved and wanted, something mom had always lacked in. He even took days off to play with me, and always took me into the basement where we would watch the coolest movies. They were kind of scary, but super fun. He even hired a tutor who helped me study. Her name was Julie, and she was so cool! She taught in the most fun ways, and she said I was her brightest student yet. We would usually finish early, and I would get to talk to her for the last few minutes. My life seemed perfect.

Until one day, when mom and Matt had a huge fight. Mom packed her bags, and left, LEAVING ME BEHIND. So yeah, me and my stepdad were living together. After a few years, things started to feel normal again. My mom was out of the picture, and I had even started calling Matt my dad, because, well it felt like he was. Sometimes I did feel really bummed out that mom never tried to come in contact with me, but I shrugged it off. I didn't need her after she left me like that. As High school was coming to a close the following year, I worked really hard to get into a good collage, and I got admitted to my dream college. Everything was going great.

After college was done, I moved to New York in a tiny cozy apartment, and started a clothing brand. It became so popular, Time Square displayed it's ads on the light-up billboards! I even met this guy named Leo. A few years later, we were happily married. 

And now we have a little girl named Jennie. 

So, the importance of my story is sometimes some people are clouds, without them, it's a beautiful day (and yes I did get that quote from one of the newer MSA videos).

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