Ch.1 The Market

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It was another day in the enchanting Kingdom of Serendipity, you lived by yourself  and only had a couple of good friends.  For awhile you and your friends were planning a revolt to take place in the next coming  weeks.  It took months to get enough people and to stay hidden from the soldiers.  You and your friends never liked the strict ruling of the monarchy where the power lies within the royal family. You longed for more freedoms and equality between the different social classes. 

"Hey y/n, how are you doing today?" said Eula in a cheery tone, she is your childhood best friend who you have known for ages

"I am doing good today I guess..I was planning on looking going to the market today to buy some goods, would you like to come with me Eula? you smiled back at her

"Yes of course" You and Eula walked along the path to the  market that was in the middle of the kingdom of Serendipity.

"There are tons of fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors Eula and they are all fresh too..There are so many vendors with a lot of goods today I can not wait to eat" I smiled looking at Eula

You and Eula looked around the market for awhile looking at the various goods the vendors had to offer, your eyes wandering everywhere.  The two girls walking through the bustling market of the kingdom.  The stalls were vibrant colors and a variety fragrant scents of exotic spices from other kingdoms filled the air.  You and Eula were both wearing traditional dresses, adorned with intricate embroidery.  Some of the townspeople walking by could not help but be captivated from their beauty.  With each step you both took, you explored the market admiring the handcrafted jewelry that probably took hours or even weeks to make, delicate fabrics and aromatic teas being on display.  As you both kept strolling through the market on the fine cobblestone path, you and Eula both enjoyed different sweets from various food stalls.  There were always small festivals, with dancing and music almost everyday in the marketplace.  You and Eula sat down at a table enjoying some of the bread they bought.  In the distance you noticed your other close friend Kaeya..he notices you and Eula sitting together and decides to join you

"Hey Eula and y/n, there seems to be a lot more vendors than usual today" Kaeya said with a warm smile.  "There were so many different things to look at and I noticed some new spices that I have not seen before in the past"

"Oh, yeah there are definitely more today than usual, most likely because Prince Scaramouche's birthday is coming up and the Midnight Masquerade" Eula said enthusiastically

"There has been an influx of customers at my restaurant, I guess things really are getting busy now with such huge events coming up.  I have had to work overtime along with my fellow coworkers.  It can be a real pain sometimes, but atleast I am making money" said Kaeya as he felt somewhat exhausted

"It's okay Kaeya, you know me and Eula will be more than happy to help you out here and there" You gave him a reassuring smile

"So um..y/n and Kaeya, how are you both feeling about the next couple weeks" Eula said in a quiet tone, hinting at the revolt as it would be in the next couple days all three of you planned together to lead a significant amount of the townspeople against the King.

"Well I am not entirely sure how well it will go, but I would rather die trying to fight for our people than to not try at all..we have such high taxes and there are a lot of people in the slums and we also have unjust laws that need to be changed." you sighed  "We have been cognizant since day one that we could all possibly be put into the dungeon for awhile or even as far as being publicly executed in front of everyone in our Kingdom." 

"As long as everything goes as planned, we should not have much to worry about.  We have had this planned for months and we certainly can not back down now and disappoint our followers y/n!" Kaeya said in a calming tone trying to lighten the mood

Eula looked at Kaeya and y/n nervously and said, "I think we have to be more careful and not be as active in the next week or two because I saw some fliers around stating 'A Whistleblower has released a small amount of information about a revolt, there has not been any further evidence to confirm or deny this information.  If you have any information contact the royal family immediately and you will be given money' I have only seen a few of these not many, so I do not think anybody is really taking it seriously.  Y/n, you are the real leader behind the revolt..what is your opinion on what we should do?"

"Well Eula, to be quite frank with you, I guess we could be less active in trying to gain weapons and people for the revolt for a bit.  I do not want this situation to prevent us from pulling off the revolt, afterall we have already delayed it twice and I do not wish to delay it once again.  As long as nobody takes it seriously I think we will be fine Eula" I tried to give Eula a reassuring smile, but deep down I was also scared..I learned to accept death..but not knowing how I would die always haunted me in the back of my head..never knowing how or when it would happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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