Roadtrip Pick Up

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He was picking me up from the airport. The first time I saw him was beside the pole barricade thing that he was leaning in. I didn't saw him at first because I was looking across the street where cars were picking people up.


The voice was familiar enough to catch my attention but I didn't took the time to find whoever it was. There were people everywhere so I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying.

His voice got closer. This time, I knew it was directed to me. I felt a hand on my lower back. I turned around and saw him towering over me like some kind of fucking giant manatee looking ass. He was pretty scary at first ngl. I thought I was bout to he kidnapped or sumn. We got to the car. Before everything, we hugged. The hug was pretty fucking amazing LMAO. My arms were over his shoulder and his arms around my waist with his head in my neck. Goosebumps fr. Then we decided to go to a drive through bcs I was so hungry like fuck. We were eatinggg, it was so fun. We were talking about random stuff and my flight and whatever. Then we were headed to Baguio. I was asleep most of the road trip. He gave me a lil blankie bcs I was cold. I woke up, and he was still driving. He looked at me

"Hey, you okay?"


"are u still cold?" *he starts to rub my legs that was tucked in by my chest*

*yawn* "yea a little"

"don't worry malapit na"

I was already satisfied with my nap so I didn't go back to sleep. I was looking at the views that was soo nice. I keep pointing it out to him as if he's not seeing it everyday. All of a sudden, I felt kinda hot (temperature wise) I suddenly remembered the spicy times we used to have on the phone, and now he's here, beside me. The desire in me keeps growing. I keep thinking about the things that we're gonna do now that we're actually together. I think he felt the silence I was emitting, and the awkwardness.

"Baby, are u okay?, ang tahimik mo ah"

At that moment, I was overthinking way too much. Did he just call me baby? or baka delulu ko lang yun. I mean he used to call me love on the phone, pero hearing it in person is another thing.

*I took the blanket off of me, to cool myself off. I started to fan myself out with my hand*


*I looked at him, completely forgot that he just asked me a question* "sorry what"

*he looked at me with a bit of concern* "I asked if u were okay"

"uhh yeah, I'm okay. Just felt hot all of a sudden"

"you're hot? you were freezing a second ago"

*I keep avoiding eye contact, while he gives me little glances, still focusing on the road*

"I just....

"you what, baby. It's okay, just tell me"

*he looks at me all concerned*

"I'm just feeling hot, thats all"

"hmmm, okay"

I was relieved that he let it go. Kaso parang part of me wants to make out with him right now and..
I cant stop thinking about him being, ughh tumigil ka nga y/n, ang dumi nanaman ng isip mo.
I was focusing on the road. Seeing the mountains helped me calm down a bit. Then all of a sudden he put his right hand on my left thigh, and started to rub slowly.
I flinched a little, but not enough for him to notice.

shit eto nanaman tayo. kalma y/n, kaya natin toh.

The rubbing made my lower body numb. My legs were basically trembling. Instead of his intent of it calming me down, it was the opposite. I started to breathe heavy. I was looking at the window, turning my face against him, so he won't notice how red I am right now.

*fuck I cannot do this anymore. My body is literally aching and wanting him even more.*

I think he knows what he's doing to me

his pov:

After a few hours of me driving, Y/n finally woke up.

Ever since Y/n woke up, she was acting all weird on me. A second ago sabi niya she was cold, tapos ngayon ang init daw. I think I know what she meant by that pero what if i'm wrong. Shit, pati ako naiinitan na rin.

Okay I have an idea. I'll start to rub her thigh para malaman ko if she's into it.

I waited to change gears muna before I touch her, para swabe lang tayo.

*I changed gears, then I put my hand on her thigh and started rubbing slowly*

Di ko muna siya tiningnan, baka kabahan ako lalo.

after a few seconds, I looked at her. Surprisingly, she wasnt even looking at me. She's looking at the window, but I can still see her face, which is so red. And her legs are slightly trembling.

I smirked a little, knowing what she feels right now

I stopped the car.

her pov

The car suddenly stops.

I looked at him confused.

Then he grabbed my chin slightly and kissed me softly. It wasn't a long or a short one, it was just right. The type of kiss that makes you want more. He broke it off, then I started to kiss him again. This time, longer and more passionate. His right hand on my head board and the other on my waist. It just keeps going.

Things are getting spicier.
At one point, I wanted to get on top of him

*I broke off the kiss, adjusted myself and got on top of him*

He looked surprised that I did, then kissed me again.

His hands were groping my ass, very gently actually and roaming my body.

*I started to grind on him slowly, whilst still kissing*

he let out a soft grunt


I stopped for a moment

"yeah? what is it" I said looking at him

"later nalang natin gawin sa bahay? I promise I'll make it great for the both of us"

I was a little disappointed, pero okay lang din

*I looked at him for a moment and nodded my head* "okay"


*I looked at him*

"gusto ko mag-wait ka, para mas enjoyable" he smirked as he gave me a little kiss on the cheek.

"hmpph bahala ka nga jan"

*I removed myself from him and got back on my seat*

"baby naman ehh" he cooed

"tingnan mo later, papasigawin kita"

*I was shocked, pero unti lung*

he started the car again and looked at me


"look at me baby" he said as he leaned his body towards me

"I'm sorry i'm making you wait."

"I want it to be really great for our first time"

"I know you understand that"

*he kissed me on the cheek, and precedes to drive*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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