i don't like the dude

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Monopoly is a great game. I mean, sure- it may ruin a couple friendships but i for one dont have enough relationships to be ruined. So that's good. I also win alot, which annoys Naomi -but hey, i cant help being amazing.

"Get fucked" I cheer, raising my hand from the desk towards Naomi as she groans, counting out the money with long, slender fingers.

I beam, ignorinh the immediate embarrassment i feel at expressing such enthusiam. Zoe slumps against her -very uncomfortable- wooden chair, her groan momentarily blocking out the pitter-patter of rain. The same rain that the weather forecast had not warned me about.

as much as i love the rain, i have work and im going to get fukcing SOAKED cause i didnt bring an umbrella and- shit. i have work.

"Shit" i hiss, grabbing my phone. The picture of Noami and Zoe alseep on my bed with dicks drawn on their faces with sharpie greeting me, bringing a brief smile to my face. And then i see the time- 2:47pm.

oh for fucks sake.

"I'm gonna be late" i announce, agressively pushing a strand of ginger hair from my face.

Rising to my feet, i grab my tattered backpack and turn to leave. A hand shooting out and grabbing my forearm, m spine instantly locking up as i resist the urge to break the hand of whoever decided to touch me. I roll my eyes as i recognize the chunky silver ring on their thumb. Naomi.

"Sorry dude, i should have been at work, like, yesterday" i grunt. i hate being late

I rush throught the crowded tables and as i near the entrance i am greeted with a wall. Taking half a step back i lift my head, and am met with a broad chest. Tilting my head up again, i am met with two brown eyes. okay- not a wall. Maintaing eye contact as his thick brows raise an inch. The loud chatter of students is drowned out by the steady thump of my heart- and my thoughts- and the fact that by looking into this rando dude's eyes I've seemingly forgotten i have places to be.

After standing there for a good few seconds my brain decides to start working again and i am reminded that i need to go.

I break eye contact and quickly rake my eyes over his person.  i swear damn i recognize this dude. the brown hair and browm eyes and the jaw and the tallness and- oh for fucks sake.

"Ace" i mutter, sighing as i make to go around him. A hand shoots out and grabs my bicep. what is up with people and touching. jesus.

"You're gonna get soaked" he states, glancing down briefly at my white, GAP tshirt.

"Well no shit" i retort, jerking my arm from his grasp and raising my eyebrows expectantly.

Rolling his eyes, he steps back, allowing me to pass. And just like that, the low hum of people chatting returns.

I dip my head in a silent thank you and brush past him, walking swiftly to the exit before breaking into a run once im outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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