Chapter 1

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Some people are meant for each other for life; some aren't. With Theodore, the world felt too big and time too short; we would never get enough time. I miss the time when we were only worried about some stupid grades and when the next Slytherin party would happen. I knew, I knew that the moment I would let him in, let myself love him, it would be over. That we would lose... When I told that to Theodore later, he laughed; he said "let's lose then, at least we will be together." Our destiny was already settled before we even realized it. At one point, we knew that if it wasn't time that would separate us, it would be our families. You know the saying "if you love her, let her go" ? Well, I guess he loved me too much or maybe not enough, because we stayed together until the end, and when we went, it was quiet and peaceful. Our heartbeats were beating at once as they faded away. Yes, with Theodore, the world felt too big and time too short.

Flashback - Early Years at Hogwarts

The anticipation of a new school year brought Hogwarts Castle to life. Its corridors resounded with the excited footsteps and animated conversations of students reuniting after the summer break. Amidst the whirlwind of activity, I walked alongside my fellow Slytherins, my pulse quickening with the energy of the occasion.

Yet, within the sea of faces, one figure stood out—the boy leaning against the stone wall, his features serene and composed. Theodore Nott. His presence exuded a magnetic aura, drawing my gaze as if guided by an invisible force. Determined to bridge the gap between our worlds, I resolved to approach him. As I drew near, his gaze flickered up, acknowledging my presence with an almost imperceptible nod.

"Hey," I greeted, my voice a blend of genuine curiosity and the charisma that had become my Slytherin trademark. Theodore's eyes held a guarded glint as he replied with a simple, "Hello." Leaning casually against the wall beside him, I offered a warm smile. "I'm Camille. You're Theodore Nott, aren't you?" My words bore a playful lilt, an invitation to engage. A faint smile touched the corner of his lips. "Yes, that's me." I continued, my tone light. "So, what do you think of Hogwarts so far?" My question was simple, allowing space for him to share. Theodore's gaze remained distant. "It's... alright," he replied, his words measured.

Our conversation flowed with a hesitant rhythm, like a dance with uncertain steps. He shared little, and I found myself filling the gaps. "Have you found anything interesting in the common room?" His response was brief. "Not really."

Stepping away, I rejoined my circle of friends—Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Mattheo—who awaited my return with inquisitive expressions. Draco raised an eyebrow as I approached. "What prompted you to strike up a conversation with Nott?" he inquired, amusement dancing in his silver eyes. Chuckling, I joined their midst. "Just wanted to see what he had to say. He's not as aloof as he seems." Pansy's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Camille's penchant for unraveling mysteries knows no bounds." Blaise grinned, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Indeed, it's an admirable trait." I nodded in agreement, the camaraderie among us undeniable. "Well, Theodore Nott certainly isn't the enigma everyone claims him to be." Mattheo, his expression contemplative, spoke up. "Appearances can be deceiving. People often underestimate what lies beneath the surface."

Our group shared a knowing glance, our bond forged through shared experiences. The conversations we had, the secrets we kept, and the loyalty we held for one another formed the foundation of our chosen family.

Later that day, as evening descended, I found myself venting to my friends about my encounter with Theodore. "He barely looked at me, as if he couldn't care less," I complained, a hint of annoyance in my tone. Draco chuckled. "Maybe he's just not as sociable as you, Camille." My lips twisted into a wry smile. "He's definitely not as nice as he is hot." Blaise raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, that's a problem we'd all like to have, isn't it?" Laughter rippled through our small group, dispelling the tension. As I looked at my friends, I realized that their unwavering support was a treasure more valuable than any fleeting encounter with a reserved boy.

In the ensuing days, as Hogwarts unveiled its myriad wonders, Theodore Nott remained a distant presence in my thoughts. Our paths intersected occasionally, resulting in minimal interaction. Little did I realize that this seemingly trivial meeting was a prelude to a story that would unravel the complexities of rivalry, friendship, and perhaps something more.

As the school year unfolded, it became apparent that Theodore was more than just a puzzle waiting to be solved—he was a mirror reflecting the intricacies within us all. As I peered into the depths of his dark eyes, I knew that our journey had only just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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