The Gladiator

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I sat in my cell, memories still plaguing me of that night....

I sharpened my blade, my eyes both hidden and angry, focused on the task at hand. It took me years to gain this position, years to enter the army; and now, I knew, the army would die in one night. This kingdom was over, how I knew... well I am a woman, I can hear the ladies gossip, that is the strongest information gathering... I am also dressed as a man, seeing as a woman's muscles are weaker. I was not allowed to join the King's army; but I have, and I hear secrets straight from the drunken mouths of the men around me.

They were fools, the lot of them. They were always partying, always drinking, never on guard, they couldn't even do what their job's name was. I looked at my blade and sheathed it, "hey! Rosland! What's up?!" an arm draped over my shoulder.

"I'm preparing for the kingdom's downfall." he laughed nervously, the men knew I was a morbid kind of...'guy'; but I knew what was to happen, it was good to keep your guard up. The night went by, when suddenly we were called to fight... and that was when Doflamingo came. Never had fear consumed me more, but I managed to not kill any of the civilians. I fought back against the strings, and I had won. My exhaustion was great; I needed rest, and I had gotten some when we were thrown into the cell, "win a thousand battles and I will set you free."

And thus the first battle commenced, we were sent out, lambs to the slaughter, and the civilians were ready for a feast. However no one knew of the wolf hidden in the flock, one that refuses to die, or be controlled otherwise.

The boo's from the crowd bounced everywhere, missing my mind and heart as I focused my attention on the new monarch. He was tall and blonde, a pearly smile shining over the island, of course he needed a little help with his fashion sense, but otherwise he was handsome enough.

Our first battle was with an executive; the men didn't last too long, however I was at the back of the flock, he seemed to have a devil fruit power, turning anything he touches into a stiff product or a flimsy one, I couldn't tell the difference. Once the men were incapacitated, my best bet was for him to think I was a weak, scared, worthless child.

As he neared me with an evil smirk on his face, his body towered my own and the blade shadowed the sun from my face. "Time to die, coward." as the sword neared me I couldn't help the smirk emerging onto my face, I dodged the blade grabbing the arm. I harshly hit his elbow pulling the blade from his grasp, then I twisted and with a war cry I went to slice this bastard's head off.

My body stopped against its will, but I knew it would only last a second... My own devil fruit was also strong.

"If you wish to live you have three seconds to move." he furrowed his brows, and took the blade from my hands, "two... three" a growl was emitted from his highness's booth, and I spun, kicking the male in the side. I took advantage of his shock getting plenty of hits, however once he recovered my fist hit the steel of his cape. I winced, but only pulled back my fist hitting the steel again, alright so it really is steel, what kind of devil fruit does this guy have?

I gave a loud high pitch squeak as I ducked under the blade and began dodging the blade and its unusual reach. I grabbed a fallen spear and twirled it, hitting the blade away from me, only to twirl it and hit the butt into his stomach.

I twisted to stab him in the chest, but strings applied themselves around my arms again. "I think this game is done." my eyes widened as the butt of the sword rammed into my forehead.

And here I was, sitting in a cell, everyone staring at me as I looked at the helmets in my hands; all I ever wanted to be was a king's soldier. I thought for sure with my abilities I'd be hired, but I wasn't, I was forcing myself to hide behind a helmet.

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