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2𝟺 | " 𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐘! " [ᴘᴀʀᴛ I]

||ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ||

" Evening everyone. "

Iseul's breathes hitched, face went pale hearing familiar Simulating deep vocal of Devil, him, Jeon jungkook.

Her lashes fluttered. She pull up her innocuous gaze, with assumptions that she might have misunderstood someone's vocal cords with his.

Her serene eyes turns into anxious, her stomach fell down into the pit of her stomach, her straight pasture started to tremble, when her virtuous globe spotted him, standing infront of them with his hands tugged inside his black jean's pocket with his 3 men behind him wearing black similar attire; uniform, she swallows her breathes looking at rough & dead eyes of him.
She instantly drag her gaze down knowing she would end up crying if she kept looking at his eyes.
His eyes, which gleams with hunger, hunger for her.

" Good evening! ", The clients, the business partner and jimin stood up from their chairs to greet the man back, who just wished them while ago, jeon jungkook, causing the little girl among them flinches hard.

Jungkook's seething gaze accidentally fell on the little figure sitting besides jimin, who didn't greet him, his dead eyes instantly took the shades of passionate lover, recognising her.
His melody, His iseul-ahh.
she is here.
his tilt he tilted his head in lunatic manner.

A cold sweat broke, she shallows her breathes as she could senses someone dark observance on her figure.

" Sit! "

Iseul flinched hard on her spot hearing his sudden seeth & cold tone.

Everyone settled back on their respective seat.
Along with jimin also settled down on his seat, with his burning gaze as he did noticed, jungkook's evil eyes on his little sister.

Jungkook's lips tugged a corrupt smirk, walking towards his seat with his tainted eyes stick on the little woman, who is looking enchantingly adorable sitting among the men who is thrice of her size with her innocuous gaze glued on the floor.

He grops the headboard of the chair and pull little making a little space, he settles down on his seat with his burning desire filled gaze lingering on her small figure.

He place his left legs above his righ thigh, crossing his legs with his gaze still on her as she is sitting infront of him, under his alluring & desirable gaze.

Iseul's swift her position, while clutching her knee length pleat skirt, a sweat formed over her forehead as she could feel someone's burning gaze on her.
She sucks her breathes, controlling herself to not break down.

She flutters her lashes and she peek at him through her lashes, her observe globe dilated at his sight, his insane eyes stuck on her figure, his hairs gelled back, and swept side leaving a thick strand of his hair released on his exposed forehead, his body covered with white shirt and sleeves rolled up.


He possessed the knowledge of her liking.

" Iseul. "

Iseul's eyes instantly swifted towards the left, where her brother is sitting.

Jimin smiled at his innocent sister, when she turn her fearful timid gaze to him.

" Princess, you will be bored, go in my office. ", said jimin in his cooing soft tone.

Iseul instantly wobbles her head at his words with dread fear in her eyes.

𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝗻 || J.JK Where stories live. Discover now