Chapter 1 - A Journey Begins

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Twelve-year old Alex stared out the car window as the scenery blurred past in shades of green and brown. He let out a long sigh, chin resting in his hand. Another new town, another new school, another new life. Ever since his dad's job moved them across the country six months ago, nothing felt familiar anymore.

As the car headed farther from town, pavement gave way to gravel and dense forest. The isolation only mirrored the loneliness Alex felt lately. Back home in Rhode Island, Alex had a group of friends he'd known since kindergarten. They rode bikes around the neighborhood, played baseball in each other's backyards, and spent long summer days exploring every corner of their small seaside town.

But here in Oregon, everything was different. Their suburban neighborhood had been traded for a small rural town nestled amongst mountains and forests. His parents kept saying it was an adventure, but Alex just felt lost.

Lost and left behind. Which was exactly how he felt right now, staring out at the increasingly foreign landscape as it whipped by. Off on their own special weekend trip while he got dumped with Aunt Jessie. Sure, she was nice enough in that boring aunt kind of way. But the thought of being stuck on her ranch for three whole days made Alex's stomach churn.

He leaned his head against the cold glass and frowned. The first weekend of summer break was supposed to be fun, not boring chores at some farm. His parents just didn't get it.

Alex's mom glanced back with a reassuring smile. "I know you're disappointed, honey. But we'll do something extra fun as a family soon, I promise."

"It's just not fair," Alex grumbled, dropping his gaze.

His dad met his eyes in the rearview mirror. "I know this isn't ideal, bud. But try to make the most of it, okay? Your aunt Jessie is really looking forward to spending time with you."

Alex just sighed again and went back to watching the passing trees. He knew his parents were just trying to have a romantic weekend alone before Dad got busy with work again. But that didn't make him feel any less neglected.

They pulled up the long dirt driveway, tires crunching over gravel. Alex peered out at the sprawling ranch, fields stretching towards a distant mountain range. It was pretty, in an empty kind of way.

Back home, you couldn't go far without hitting the ocean. The steady thrash of waves had been the backdrop to his childhood. This still landlocked life would take some getting used to.

His aunt Jessie waved from the front porch, golden retriever wagging its tail happily beside her. At least there would be dogs around, thought Alex. He ruffled the dog's fur as Jessie pulled him into a hug.

"There's my favorite nephew! Look at you, almost taller than me already."

Alex forced a smile. He knew his aunt was trying hard, but her cheerfulness only highlighted his glum mood. His parents grabbed his backpack from the trunk and said their goodbyes.

"Be good for your aunt, Alex. And try to have some fun, okay?" His mom planted a kiss on his head.

"We'll be back on Sunday. Love you buddy," his dad said, giving a wave as they pulled away.

Alex stared down the empty driveway, listening to the car fade into the distance. Just him and Aunt Jessie now. She put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a little shake.

"Come on kiddo, let me give you the grand tour. This place must look like another planet coming from the city!"

Alex shrugged. "It's okay, I guess."

Jessie smiled softly. "I know you miss your friends. But there's a special kind of magic out here. You'll see."

She led him around the weathered but well-kept ranch house. Honeysuckle vines climbed the porch, filling the air with sweetness. Inside, cozy leather furniture and a crackling fireplace gave it a rustic feel.

Adventures in Ranch Country by Pep Talk RadioWhere stories live. Discover now