This shouldn't be possible

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Out in a world of billions of people, some like every other one, others unlike the rest, there laid a young teenage girl in her bed. In a light sleep that night, similar to so many before it and what was expected of many nights to come. Dreaming of fuzzy images as they flashed in and out of her subconscious.

The late summer breeze flowed softly through the slightly agape window. The world was quiet, peaceful even. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the world seemed to still, an uneasy kind of still. Only for a minute could you feel it, in fact not many could, oh but she did.

The young girl awoke from her slumber and looked around the room, rubbing her eyes, like something clouded her vision. Gone as quickly as it came, the still feeling disappeared. Shaking her head, she laid back down and stared at the ceiling for a second...


Her body felt as though the world was spinning around her, such strong forces pulling her mind every which way all at once. What's happening?! What's going on?! Panic shot through her body as she tried to move her hands to her head, but they seemed to still in their place, like an unconscious restraint on her body. She felt as though these invisible forces were gathering in the front of her mind, and then she saw them. Yes, saw them. In front of her was a light blue stream of energy, shaped into a small ball, with little streams coming off of it.

The girl stared in wonder, What is that thing?! The glow it gave off felt almost familiar, "It's time to help them."

Huh?, help who, who needs help?

"Does it matter? Shouldn't people try to help whoever they can whenever they can?"

Without hesitation, the young girl muttered a small "of course," before regaining feeling in her arms and reaching up to touch the glowing ball.

Upon her touch, it seemed to glow brighter and brighter before consuming the girl in its light...

That soft breeze seemed to come back blowing softly around her as she stood in the sun on the pavement... wait, sun, pavement, standing, wasn't I just in bed-

The young girls thoughts were cut off by the scenery around. Trees lined a pathway to a gate a little ways ahead, a huge gate, mad completely out of cement stretching far from right to left. However, the length and height of the wall wasn't what caught her eye, it was the shining gold letters atop of the opening, the ones she had seen so many times before... UA.

That couldn't possibly mean-

But once more, her train of thought was cut short as she slowly turned around to come face to face with the great shining building. As tall as it looked in the anime, that was nothing compared to standing in front of it. It looked as though it touched the skies, all those windows blindly reflecting the sun's light, polished to perfection it seemed...

"This shouldn't be possible..."

"I couldn't agree more, we're usually very good about our security, and yet here we are."

A joyful voice sounded out from in front of her, or more particularly bellow her, however before she was able to look down a tight cloth-like fabric rapped tightly around her in a strangling grip.

"Then again, I suppose error is only natural, none the less, here at UA, we fix our mistakes and find the solutions to our problems... one way or another."

Short, I know, but we're just getting started

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