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After their review sessions, Hannah and Igor went home. Being tired, Hannah just ate fruits and salads while Igor bought roasted chicken and bread. Afterwards, Hannah walked outside her apartment to breath fresh air and then started reviewing her lessons again. It was not long when Igor called her to check if she was safe. Hannah thanked him for his concern and said "Good night Igor! See you tomorrow and let us continue our review sessions after Prof. Olsen's class. " "Ok Hannah. See you." replied Igor.

The following day, Igor and Hannah ate lunch together and walked to the same place for their review session. Hannah said "I have read that studying is more effective when you do some walking or exercises." "Why is that?" inquired Igor. "I don't know if this is true but the reason given was - after some walking or exercise, oxygen circulates in the brain which makes it more absorptive." replied Hannah. "Wow! Thanks for the info." replied Igor.

They both opened their books where they have left it yesterday and started reading and solving the exercises in their Statistics and Linear Algebra textbooks. They helped each other understand their lessons. After about an hour, Igor gave Hannah some chocolate candies and said "something to fuel our brains! Actually, I thought of eating candies instead of smoking cigarettes especially in front of you. I know it is not healthy to smoke but it is hard to quit." Hannah replied "I understand but you can quit smoking. I know some 'chain smokers' who are able to quit smoking because of its hazardous effects to their lungs".

After some time, they resumed studying together until they finished both subjects. Hannah said "thank God, we're done!" "Yup! Let us just asked Prof. Schmidt about our questions on Thursday. With regards to our Linear Algebra,
we will just approached Prof. Olsen tomorrow after her class and asked our listed questions " said Igor. "We are all set. " said Hannah.

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