𝟏. wilders side

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"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, boys and girls. Welcome to a new episode, of the Wilders side." Cam yelled, his voice echoing in the room. He was out of his seat for his introduction. "Uh-huh, I'm Cam Wilder and this is my reaction chanel. Ya'll are always like 'whoa bro has a reaction channel?', I do! So, go ahead and hit that like button and subscribe."

His screen showed a video of Vienna Anderson's AAU highlights from Powerwest. "Now, today we are reacting to this video of one of my star players on the girl RWE basketball team. Ya'll know who Vienna Anderson is. She used to be one of my loyal players, but this video kind of exposes it all."

In the video, it started off with Vienna wearing Powerwest's jersey. It was purple and white, a big 2 on the front and then 'Powerwest'. "I did not expect this from her but I guess it was my fault because she asked if she can play with them for this game since we were in town. And I said yes! So my bad."

"But, let's get straight to watching." He unpaused the video and it showed him, the Neumann's and Anderson's on the side, talking. Cam was posing for pictures with fans. He pauses the video, speaking up. "Okay, ya'll know that Vienna is pretty well known. Look at this group of boys hititng on her bro."

It cuts to the clip of Vienna signing their shoes, talking to them and taking pictures with them. "Nuh-uh, they was so lucky that Nelson was busy taking photos with fans or else they would've gotten fucking fried. Oh yeah, if ya'll didn't know, Vienna and Nelson are together."

He unpauses the video with a smirk on his face. "Let get it, game starting." He said, watching as Vienna gets ready for the ball. Her teammate wins the tip and she starts bringing the ball up the court. She passes it to someone in the corner, cutting in front of her check and doing a left hand lay up.

"That was nice, not gonna lie. Also, ya'll always think that Vienna is a scorer but she's a pointguard. She gives out hella dimes and yes, she will shoot when she gets the ball but she always passes. I don't care what ya'll say, argue with a wall."

The video continues and Cam could hear people yelling at the back. "Meat riders." He mumbled, shaking his head. Vienna defends her check, following her up to the basket and blocking her shot. "Give me that!" Cam screamed, taking off his headphones and standing up.

He pauses the video and rewinds it to show everyone. "That was fucking nice, if ya'll watch my RWE videos, ya'll know that she don't really block shots or go into the paint."

He unpauses it and then watches Vienna take the ball up the court. She gets double teamed, throwing the ball in between the players legs, making Cam gasp. She then passes it to her teammate who shot a three.

"Dime! Fucking dime! What the fuck did I just tell you?" Cam yelled, showing everyone her move in details. When he was done, he smiled. "Bro, I'm telling you now, when she's older and taller. Because Vienna right now is what? 5'5? I think 2 inches shorter than Nelson. Anyways, she's still growing and she's going to be a problem."

He watches more of the video until a clip of Nelson and Vienna. Cam sighed, pausing the video and dragging his hands down his face. "Bro, these two are just always goofing around. Always being lovey dovey and shit. Like, LOCK THE FUCK IN."

He watches the moment between the two, both of them laughing while Vienna got a break on the bench. She laid his head on his shoulder for a moment and Cam screamed. "Way too much PDA. How come I didn't notice this, the fuck? I'm right beside them."

A few minutes after, it shows someone interviewing Vienna. She had a smile on her face while she gripped onto her jersey. "Okay, let's talking about how she's standing." He points at her, "This young fella is always gripping onto her jersey. She's always standing like that and I guess it's a hooper thing. But, anyone else notice that?"

"So, what's your favourite thing about basketball?" The interviewer asked her.

"Well, I like everything about it. Basketball is my life, I've been playing for so long. The game is just beautiful, everything about it is amazing." She responded into the mic.

"See, that is a good response. She takes basketball so seriously. I love that." Cam nodded his head.

"What is it like playing on the RWE girls team?"

Vienna took a deep breath, "It's really fun. We're all goofballs, like we're always fooling around but once we step on the court, we're serious. We get serious real fast."

"Facts." Cam stated, crossing his arms.

"What do you have to say about Cam Wilder? What's it like having him as a coach?" Cam was nervous for her answer, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I know we all joke about how bad of a coach he is but he's an amazing coach. He always pushes you to great, he knows your limits and tries to push you out of your comfort zone but knows when to stop when it's too much. Cam is just such a fun person to be around and just amazing at coaching. I've learnt so much from him, it's crazy. I love Cam, he's like my big brother."

Cam pauses the video, a big smile on his face. "Bro, that was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Honestly, that just made my year. Vienna is always so kind and she's so smart, she always knows what to say and do. I love coaching her."

After a while of watching more of her highlights, the video ended and Cam talked to his camera. "So, that was it for Vienna's highlights. Let me know if you want me to watch her boyfriends highlights, my prodigy, my young boy. This was fun to react. Can't wait to see her cook in Pennsylvania, she finna get crazy."

roan speaks!

just a filler chapter to wait for pennsylvania. i'l probaly five more filler chapters until the pennsylvania series comes out.

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