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A/n: guess who had their birthday🙀🙀🙀

Me!!!!! (I'm 16 now I'm bawling.)

(Yes, yes I know that Kaiser hasn't had much attention, I'm so sorry 😭🙏.)










Currently in the hall, the 2 classes who were head to head were being explained about what game they were doing today.

"So tired..." Nagi yawned leaning on the closest person next to him which happened to be Chigiri.

"We probably shouldn't have stayed up so late." Chigiri nodded in agreement also rather tired.

"So...what we're doing today is basically a...treasure hunt you could say. Except, we are in pairs with someone from the opposite class, this event...wont gain your class any points, but instead food as a reward as to if you win of course... at least that's what it says in the paper." Haven mumbled softly.

Isagi sighed softly, Hyo just patted his shoulder.

"So...we have to partner up." Bachira hummed scanning the other class.

Bachira happily walked up to another male linking arms.

"You'll be my partner!" Bachira grinned.

Some others followed suit and began picking their partners. While Isagi just stood awkwardly with Rin.

Isagi sighed and crossed his arms before feeling a hand on his shoulder. Isagi jumped and slapped the hand away out of surprise...thankfully he did because it happened to be Kaiser.

"Ow." Was all Kaiser said as he pretended that the slap hurt.

"Shut up." Isagi growled annoyed and was about to walk off before Kaiser grabbed hold of his arm, it wasn't harshly, more gentle.

"Come on, just be my partner for this once." Kaiser said to Isagi, a small smile plastered on his face.

Isagi eyed Kaiser up and down, basically judging him, before he sighed and pulled his arm out of Kaiser's grip.

"Nope." Isagi said.

Kaiser looked slightly disappointed but looked around.

"Well, it doesn't seem as if you can go with anyone else anyways." Kaiser explained, this caught Isagi's attention and he looked around as well and sighed.

"Fine, don't touch me though." Isagi replied and walked off, though Kaiser being Kaiser, he poked Isagi, which got him a slap in return.

Half an hour passed and Isagi was slowly losing his mind...he already lost his sanity just by hanging out with Hyo, but this was mentally killing him.

"Why so grumpy for, hm?" Kaiser hummed.

"Shut up." Isagi said and threw the pen he was holding in Kaiser's face.

"Ouch." Kaiser laughed, no matter how angry or whatever insults Isagi spat, Kaiser wouldn't stop, gosh he should've picked a partner straight away.

Kaiser picked the pen up and handed it back over to Isagi. Isagi who was technically doing all the work.

"Just 1 more." Isagi sighed as he kneeled down and picked the clue up looking at it.

"Okay." Kaiser hummed and nodded as he continued trailing behind Isagi.

This carried on for around 20 minutes. Isagi was insulting Kaiser again, though, they were around the equipment shed for some sort of thing. Suddenly Isagi felt arms wrap around him.

Isagi looked back at Kaiser confused and annoyed as to why Kaiser had suddenly hugged him.

"The hell are you doing? Let me go." Isagi sighed irritated.

Kaiser didn't respond, but his grip didn't tighten nor loosen. Isagi was just...confused, though after 5 seconds and Kaiser still didn't let go, Isagi became annoyed again.

"Okay let me go now." Isagi said, Kaiser nodded and released Isagi but didn't say anything.

Neither of them spoke about that and Isagi just continued to find what they were looking for.

Once the 2 found what they were looking for, they headed back to the hall and realised they were the first to finish.

"A bit surprising." Isagi mumbled quietly, though ever since that hug, Kaiser hasn't spoken since.

Isagi looked at Kaiser who didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular till Kaiser heard his name being called out.

"Kaiser, what's up with you?" Isagi asked.

"Why? Worried?" Kaiser smiled, his usual teasing expression back, though, it had small cracks in it that Isagi could easily see through.

"Of course not, I'm curious." Isagi rephrased.

Kaiser only but chuckled.

"Well? Answer my question." Isagi said now crossing his arms.

"Just thinking back to things." Kaiser put it simply.

Isagi stared at him, sighing and turning away.

"If you're thinking about trying to get back with me, it won't happen." Isagi explained, clearly having no interest in Kaiser.

"Well, I really am sorry." Kaiser mumbled, seems like his pride and ego fumbled for once.

Isagi stayed quiet not knowing what to say or react.

"Okay." Was all Isagi said.

It was...very silent, too silent. The tension and awkwardness was growing all too much. Kaiser was getting more impatient and waited to show Isagi he actually meant it...

But he didn't know how without irritating Isagi or just making the matter worse. So he stayed quiet.

"Stop looking so gloomy, you look like an idiot." Isagi said.

Kaiser immediately snapped out of his train of thought and looked at Isagi awkwardly chuckling.

"Right..." Kaiser nodded, he was used to the insults Isagi gave him, so it wasn't out of the ordinary.

But that stopped the weird growing tension between them, so they sat in somewhat comfortable silence. It was weird for Kaiser to not look so, full of himself, that Isagi was completely weirded out.









A/n: ...was this good? 😭

Anyways, would you guys like another chapter about Kaisagi? Idm writing them again, tbh i was giggling while writing this ☠️☠️.

Anywyayays were over halfway to 60k reads?? 🙀

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