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$Chapter 1

"You are powerless now, no one will follow your orders Mr. Black. Everyone is under me now and i will enjoy while i cut your skin off one layer by layer"

i laugh a full blown evil laugh as he shook his head variously. Him sitting in-front of me in his tattered tank top and shorts. Nothing gives me more pleasure then seeing him helpless. After all this is now my turn to take revenge. His face full of worry and almost crying.

"No elle, please elle. Leave me. I will never force my orders on you" he cried while begging me for mercy.

But, today he will face my wrath.


Suddenly a ringtone buzzed. Where is it from? Who's phone is ringing?


i felt someone shaking me

"Elle wake up bro"



Adam. I was torturing Adam. "eliana get up already" she screamed on my face directly. I opened my eyes to see her face right in-front of mine.

" get away " i pushed her away "was i dreaming that all?" Shit. What a beautiful dream. I hope it will turn into reality one day doh.

"Get up. We are getting late for college" neena said opening my closet and taking out my clothes.

Hi, my name is eliana rossi. I am college student. Only daughter of Ilias rossi. One of the most powerful men in this country.
You must be wondering why i was dreaming about torturing someone? Well because that is actually a dream to me. Torturing Adam black. My worst enemy.

Adam black is my father's second hand man. A worst kind of man. Although my father does not control my life, but Adam does. My father does not have a son to continue his legacy but he treats Adam as one. And surely enough Adam will inherit all his power and his fortune as capo.

If you think I dislike Adam because of this then you are partly wrong. I dislike Adam because he try to control my life. Like, He should know where i am going, who i am going with, which college did i got admission in. Which bodyguard will go with me.

And many many more

And guess what?

My dear father allowed him to do this.

More reason to dislike Adam.

"Elle, for god sake wake up already !" Neena threw a top at me breaking the chains of thought on how to kill Adam black.

"God, i am up, i am up" i stood up and stumbled straight to washroom.

"I am waiting for you at table" Neena screamed

Doing my business i grabbed the top Neena left for me and wore it. It was cream color bodycone top with my right arm and shoulder bare. I styled it with green cargo pants and my nike sneakers. I carried my Prada Milano bag with it. Although i am going to college but i don't have much in bag other then makeup, credit cards and some cash. And of course my favourite strawberry glaze flavour gloss, which I always have to re-apply all day because i love that flavour too much to not eat that glaze taste. Looking at mirror for last time i just love too much what i see. I have too much curves for someone's liking. A little bubble belly which was hidden by my cargos. Cute, i think. Many will think i am insecure about my body but really i am not. I mean a girl needs to spend her money on her food too. If i have enough money why would i eat salad for my whole life just to be in shape? That sound too absurd to me. But i am not out of shape as well. I mean, you can say i am in between. Not toned body but not out of shape either. I clicked some snaps in-front of my full sized mirror and made my way out for breakfast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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