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{The story of Leon Takuira's life was not a nice one, his only escape from reality was drawing, his imagination would take him too worlds he himself could not enter.}

{His dreamscapes were marvelous pieces of work.}

{Leon had a harsh childhood, born in China, in the state of Sichuan in the capital which was in Chengdu in the year 1998.}

{His birthday, July 7th.}

{Leon's life as a kid was peaceful as he was being raised by his mother and father as his older sister, Zin Takuira was 17 that year and it was his birthday that fateful day.}

{On the year 2006, Zin had went out to buy Leon a present with their father as Leon was at home cooking with his mother.}

{It was then around noon when they turned on the news to see a robbery at a grocery store where on the screen showed Zin and his father.}

{Leon was shocked as he was in a panic, his mother tried to calm him down before-they heard the gunshot.}

{The TV screen kept rolling, Leon's mother started crying as Leon just stared at the screen where his sister was dying.}

{What could he do?}

{He was a useless kid at the time, his father had survived, the robber who's name was Relion Gaxfiel was arrested and sentenced to death for the murder of eight people at the scene of the robbery.}

{Leon came to hate his birthdays as two years later on the exact same day was when the family was driving to Leon's Aunt Halei's place which the enormous earthquake of 2008 happened that day.}

{Luckily Leon had survived with his mother, but...his father hadn't.}

{The car had fell off the bridge they were driving on as they crashed into the water, Leon's father managed to save both Leon and his mother before some pieces of the bridge broke off, crushing Leon's father.}

{Leon despised this day, this terrible day.}

{He vowed to never celebrate it again, what used to be a happy day for children was now nothing more than a nightmare for him.}

{The rest of his birthdays were normal, nothing bad happened as he never celebrated once after that.}

{His mother took care of him lovingly, though he never seemed to respond with any positive emotions.}

{It took time until he was able to speak and move around again in 2011, Leon had met a friend during that timeframe as her name was Alice Seras.}

{She was a kind individual who treated him kindly, he had met her during sixth grade as Alice was a transfer student who had noticed him.}

{At the start of school, she tried to get him to open up to her as the days went by with barely any progress as three weeks had already passed.}

{Alice felt like giving up as she went to Leon one last time as he was once again, alone in the classroom, expect he was crying silently while staring at the ground.}

{Alice gasped as he looked like a broken doll, it hurt her heart as she comforted him that day.}

{Leon started talking to which he would never talk expect for when the teacher called on him, Alice was surprised but Leon talked with her as Alice finally achieved what she wanted.}

{They talked inside the classroom until recess ended, and so did lunch as they kept talking until the other students came back with the teacher.}