Bonus Chapter

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~Chase's perspective~

The damn printer in my office wasn't working. This day started off shit. Cross that, it started off well when I woke up to Amelia by my side. I stared at her as she sleeps like she always does to me. Now I know why she does it. in the beginning, I would say it's creepy as hell. But nothing about her sleeping peacefully is creepy. Staring at her now, makes me want to wake her ass up and ask her to be my wife, this very second. I can run off to Vegas or some courtroom to make her mine. But she doesn't want that, I know she doesn't. 

When I found those shitty flowers I nearly lost my mind. 

What the hell is up with those guys getting her flowers? At least Nolan knows the right ones to get her. But that prick Archer was clueless. I should've ripped them all into shreds when he kept sending them to her hospital room. But, I know she wouldn't have liked that, so I only threw them out. Can't complain there. 

I left knowing I had a hectic day ahead of me.

First, pick up Xavier from Violet. 

Second, go buy my books for the semester coming up.

Third, speak to my therapist. Fuck that, it can wait. 

Fourth...shit what's the fourth?

Fuck it. Either way, I have shit to do. 

I'm putting Xavier in his car seat when Violet comes out of the house to give me his diaper bag. I can't stand that the kid is still wearing fucking diapers. He's two. He should be getting potty trained. 

"What's with the fucking diapers?" I ask her. "Are you not potty training him?" 

She crosses her arms. "Does it look like I can potty train him? I work forty-plus hours a week. I don't have time for that shit."

"Is the money I'm giving you not enough?" 

"No. It's not." She flicks her red hair to the back. "He's in daycare most of the time, and that's like a fucking rent payment. His medical insurance, and his college tuition that I started require monthly payments, food, diapers, toys-" 

"Ok. Jesus Christ." I interrupt. "I'll start sending you more. Maybe tell his daycare teachers to start potty training him. That can save you fifty bucks a week." 

"Yeah. Like potty training kids take only one day." She rolls her eyes and blows kisses to Xavier. 

Xavier blows back kisses and says, "Bye-bye, Mommy." 

I close the door shut and rest my head on the steering wheel. Why is this my life? There are times when I wish Xavier wasn't mine. But then there are times when he looks at me and smiles and it makes things ok. If it was a kid with Amelia then I would be happy. But a kid with Violet is like a death sentence. 

I forced Alex into watching the kid for me since he is home for the day. I refuse to take him on campus for people to start asking me questions that I don't want to answer. My phone buzzes in my hand when I walk into the library, Amelia texts me a message. 

I had the intention of answering her but I didn't when I saw Trixi, Ellie, and...fucking Brandon, sitting down talking. What the hell is Ellie doing hanging out with my old roommate? Trixi, I understand, she's an attention-seeking whore, but Ellie. I dont understand. Everything made sense to me when I saw Brandon handing Trixi a stack of money. 

He's still in that dirty business shit. I shake my head at the sight of it and pay for my books. 

Just as I was about to walk out, Ellie stops me in my tracks. She looks, high. Like extremely high. Not cocaine or weed high, but meth high. The color is drained from her face and she looks like she could use days of sleep. She is wearing a sweater so I can't see for sure if she is shooting up or not. 

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