A memory which I'll never forget.

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December 24, 2003, Wednesday, 9:16 p.m.

"you better sleep; otherwise, santa could put you on the naughty list."

"But, Daddy, I can't sleep! Can't I just stay up and talk to Santa and see his reindeers and open the presents?"

"You'll be put on his naughty list if you stay up late. If you do, you won't receive any presents, but I'll keep an eye on Santa while you sleep. Being sleepy isn't good for princesses, after all."

"When Santa arrives, I'll wake you up! Until then, it's best to take a nap.

"Thank you, Daddy! You're the best!"

Estelle ecstatically made her way to bed.

"Goodnight, Daddy! Be sure to wake me up when Santa arrives!" Estelle smiled with innocent eyes.

"Don't worry, I will." Estelle's father smiled before turning off the lights and closing the door.

December 21, 2015, Tuesday, 7:32 p.m.

Looking back at that faint memory, Estelle became weary of how much better it was before. Every moment, every second, every smile, every laugh-she missed it. Oh, how she wished for things to go back to how they were before.

Oh, how I wish things would just become like that again. Ever since I started high school, everything has been going downhill. Nova, who was once like a sister to me, left. She found other friends. "They're better than you." She said, before completely ignoring me.

Why did things go badly? Why can't things just be the same? Why did Nova leave me? We've been friends ever since we were babies! We've known eachother for forever!

But still.. That's a little better than my family's problem right now. My father became an alcoholic. He smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol every day. He does nothing but laze around all day. I don't know what made him act that way, but it's hard. Life is hard.

Nobody would care if I were to die. Nobody would be curious enough to wonder where I went. Even if they did care, they would still eventually forget about me. It's not like I'm important, right? I can easily be replaced by someone, or rather; something else.. The world would be SO much better without me. After all, I'm just a waste of air and space.

I laughed at my absurd thoughts. Ah.. This is ridiculous. Everything is ridiculous. I smiled one last time as I finally got the courage to jump off.


(404 words)

Side note: I am just testing my writing skills, please don't judge too harshly :')

A memory which I'll never forgetWhere stories live. Discover now