006, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6.

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6, deputy Dewey.

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Word count: 1343.
Warnings: swearing.
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"Were you listening at the door?" Sam asked, scared how her boyfriend will reaction to find out that her dad is Billy Loomis. "No, no. Of course not." Richie lied, looking at Sam weirdly because he couldn't lie like that for shit. "Okay, yeah, I was listening at the door." He spoke up, finally telling the truth. "It doesn't freak you out, that my real father was a serial killer." Sam admitted, crying a little bit less now. "I mean, yeah, a great deal, yeah." Richie told her, walking closer because he didn't fear her.

"Okay, well then go, I get it. I just got to stay and figure it out." Sam mumbled, holding back tears to see if Richie would stay with her or not. "I'm not meaning you here, Sam." Richie told her, looking lovingly at her because in that moment he needed. "You know that part in horror movies where you want to yell at the characters to be smart and get the fuck out? This is that part, Richie!" Sam told him, her eyes darting from one of his to the other. "You should get the tuck out." Sam established, but he grabbed her hands.

"But I'm staying, I love you." Her tells her, holding her hands in his. "Your such a dumbass." Sam comments, knowing he was kinda stupid for staying in this murderous town. "I'm such a dumbass. So you're sister won't talk to you, the police aren't gonna help. What's our next move?" Richie asked, repeating what Sam had said at the first part of his statement. Sam looked up at Richie, him moving one of his hands to hold her head. "We go talk to an expert." Sam confirmed, knowing who she was gonna talk to straight away.

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The birds curled outside of Dewey Riley's house, if you could call it that since it was like a caravan but in a house form. The reporter on the news gave their commentary about the weather, then about the bodies that were killed days ago as Dewey made himself some coffee. Sitting down, Dewey drunk some of his coffee as knocking came from the front door which scared him as he spilled some of his drink over the couch. "Sorry to bother you, Mr.Riley." Sam exclaimed, hearing Dewey shout from inside. "We just want to ask you a few questions." Sam explained, as she was telling the truth.

"I don't give interviews." Dewey told her sternly, not in the mood to interact with people. "We're not looking for an interview." Sam told him, as Dewey walked towards the door and looked outside to see who it was from a glass window. "Give me one good reason why I should talk to you." He stated, as Sam took a breath before speaking. "I'm Billy Loomis' daughter." Sam stated, as Dewey opened the door fully. "That's a terrible reason for me to talk to you." He tells her, as it wasn't a good reason at all.

"My name is Samantha Carpenter, I was attacked last night at the hospital. The night before that, my sister was stabbed seven times. I know you know what it's like. I'm just trying to protect my family." Sam summed up, knowing he had also been stabbed a bunch of times and his younger sister, Tatum Riley, had died in the first massacre. Dewey sighed as Sam's eyes searched his for anything and everything. "Give minutes, that's all m asking." Sam confirmed, the older ,an sighing again before taking a deep breath.

"Two minutes, I'm missing a show I like." He established, letting them into his little house before he turned off Gale's new show that was playing. "Gale Weathers, weren't you two, um..." Richie started off but he couldn't find the right words to finish it so he just stopped. Dewey gave him a small yeah, sitting down on the couch, joking Sam and Richie. "Who's he?" Dewey asked, sipping on his coffee. "Oh, this is Richie, my boyfriend. Sam introduced, seeing as Dewey held a suspicious eye to the guy.

"How long have toy known him? Dewey questioned further, suspicious of everything since all the murders started again. "Six months." Sam truthfully answered, but it came out more like a question, "did he know who your dad was when you met him?" Dewey asked, seeing as this had happened with Sidney and Billy, and many others. "Express any interest in WoodsBoro or the Ghostface killings?" Dewey asked, knowing the killer would most likely be the love interests. "What the hell are you talking about?" Richie asked, not knowing any thing about the killings in the town.

"You're killers are obsessed with the Stab movies, right? Well, there are certain rules to surviving a Stab movie. Believe me, I know." Dewey told them leaning back into the couch to be comfortable. Lurked number one, never trust the love interest. They seem sweet, caring, supportive then welcome to act three where they're trying to rip your head off." He explained, as he reimbursed what Sidney always used ti say to him. "I was with Sam in Modesto when Tara was attacked." Richie fired back, not believing that an old man was accusing him of being the killer, even if he was.

"And let me guess, you were just in the other room conveniently unaccounted for when she was attacked in the hospital." Dewey guessed, knowing he was probably right since he had done this many times before. "Okay, do I have to take this from a shitty Sam Elliot over here or what?" Richie stated, feeling attacked but honestly Dewey was really good at figuring stuff out. "Rule number two, the killers motive is always connected to something in the past." Dewey continued, as Richie scoffed because the older man was glaring at him the whole time. Sam moved her head in realisation, thinking about the whole thing. "I'm related to Billy." Sam restated.

"Right, then why kill that Vince guy?" Richie asked, because nothing added up to him but it actually did since he was one of the killers. "That's for you to figure out. And rule number three, and this is the most important rule, the first victim always has a friend group that the killer is apart of." Dewey finished, as Sam moved closer to understand what Dewey was telling them since he was so far back. "Does your sister have a close-knit group of friends?" Dewey asked Sam, the latter's eyes holding emotions of realisation and sadness.

"Yeah, she does." Sam answered, not wanting to believe that any of Tara's friends would want to kill her and her sister. "Then look for the killer there, if you can find out why they're doing this, you can figure out whose next." Dewey exclaimed, as Sam's mind started to race because who would it be and what would their motive be? "So help us, help us figure out who is behind this." Sam conquers, Dewey shaking his head no because he didn't want to get involved again. "Oh, you kidding me? I've been stabbed nine times, I've got permanent nerve damage and a fun little limp. You think I went to do that again?" Dewey questioned, before chucking out a little.

"You said it always goes back to the past, right? So if I'm in danger, that means you're in danger. Come on, let's do this together." Sam explained, as Dewey realised that she was in fact correct but he also realised his big mistake. You're times up." Dewey told them, leading them outside before he slammed the door shut in Richie's face. "Jesus! Yeah, he's way more fun in the movies." Richie exclaimed, walking towards the car with Sam, as he takes the keys to start it up. "Okay, uh... what's next?" Richie asked, both of them getting close to the car. "The friends." Sam confirmed.

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Author note:
Season 2 of Heartbreak high so funny! Like sad but funny as well!
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