𝟑. crackin eggs

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"HOLA GUYS, I'M at Nelson's house, like always." Vienna vlogged, putting her phone up in the air to show her fit. Nelson walked into frame, wrapping his arm around her waist. She grinned, looking at him.

Nelson pecks her cheek and then walks away to lean on the counter. Vienna puts her phone against her water bottle, a bowl in front of her.

"I'm cooking some eggs for breakfast." She said, grabbing three large eggs. Vienna glances at Nelson who sat down beside her. "Hm, I gotta crack these."

Before she even cracked them, Vienna broke out in fits of laughter. Nelson didn't think much of it until she uses Nelson's head to crack the eggs.

His eyes widen and he flinches away, Vienna gasped for air since she was laughing so hard. "What the balls?"

"I can't breathe!" She gasped, falling on the floor and laughing. Nelson looks down at her in concern, his eyes wide. He pauses the video and then helps her up when she finally calmed herself down.

Vienna unpauses the video and continues to vlog, letting out giggles. "That shit hurt." Nelson mumbled, rubbing the spot where she cracked the egg.

She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his head. Nelson smiled and points at his lips.

"My lips hurt too." He grinned and Vienna just narrows her eyes at him. Nelson puckers his lips, leaning in but she pushes his face away.

"Nice try." She shook her head but Nelson grabbed her cheeks and presses a kiss on her lips. Vienna laughed and he squishes her cheeks. (Pause?)

"Okay! Okay, stop." She laughed, pushing him away. Nelson went back on his phone to watch tiktoks.

Vienna continues to cook, finishing her vlog. She posted it and everyone immediately started commenting and liking.

She gives Nelson a plate of food, they were home alone since his family was out and they were both really tired. Cassie and Spencer let them stay home, trusting both of them.

Vienna snapped her friends back while they ate outside. "Wanna play basketball after?" Nelson asks her, eating the last portion of his food.

"Are you sure you want to get fried by me?" Vienna questioned, raising a brow. Nelson scoffed.

"That's not going to happen." He said and fed her the last portion of her food. She grinned at him and they walked back inside to wash their dishes.

They were now outside, Nelson filmed their 1v1 for his tiktok account. "What up ya'll, Vee and I are going to be doing a 1v1 to see who is better at basketball. Obviously, ya'll know your homeboy right here is going to win."

From behind him, Vienna shot a three. "No he's not!" She yelled, running up to him. "He's not going to win guys, I am."

"Okay, let's get it." He mumbled, putting the phone down and he made sure it got all the whole court in frame. "Shoot to see who gets ball?"

"Bet." Nelson shoots a three but it bounces off the rim. Vienna laughs, grabbing the ball and he checks up.

She drove to the basket, Nelson jumped to block her shot but Vienna did a step through, reverse lay up.

"What the fu—"

Vienna did an L with her hands, holding it up for Nelson to see. "Oh yeah? Oh yeah?" Nelson questions, running toward her and throwing her over his shoulder.

She shrieks and starts laughing.

Next play, Vienna does Nelson's spin move but it bounces off the rim. He grabs the rebound and dribbles up to check. She defends him, tipping the ball out of his hands.

"Oh shi-"

"Give me that!" She yelled. Nelson sighed and defends her. After a while of them playing, Vienna ended up winning. "I told ya'll I was going to take the dubs."

"Okay, shut up." Nelson laughed, pushing her out of the frame. Vienna glared at him, throwing the ball at his face. "Yo, what the fuck!"

Vienna innocently walks away, looking around cluelessly. He ran towards her, trapping her in a hug.

"I'm the new prodigy!" She yelled before the he stopped filming.

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