A serial killer is after me!

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My heart pounded as I ran away from him. What was I going to do? He was clutching a knife in his hand, which was basic, I'd rather die in a more fun way, like a bullet through my heart or something-- not that I want to die. Ugh, I'm getting way too ahead of myself! 

Hi, my name is Valerie, and I'm a popular talk show host. Please vote and follow! 

The moment I was born, my parents had said I was smiling while crying, like a rainbow. I loved to laugh, and the doctor said I was a healthy baby. My dark blue eyes and brown hair made me look stunning and very fierce too. That's why they named me Valerie. It means strong, healthy, fierce, brave, and valiant.

My parents were the best, they always made time for me, let me do what I want, and got me the coolest gifts. Me and my best friend Madi were closer than ever. I was extremely popular because of the show I'd host. I even had a lovely sister, Sophie. I almost had a perfect life!

One day, when I was on stage doing my talk show, I saw a hooded figure in the background, and he had a knife! I freaked out, but still continued the show, when I was done with the show, I walked off to backstage where my parents were waiting for me. I immediately alerted my parents and they got worried. 

Mom: Valerie! This is extremely dangerous! 

Dad: We need to hire a bodyguard.

But strange enough, no bodyguards were available. This must have been the masked dude's plan. 

Maybe he didn't know what my name meant, because I turn out to be a fan of martial arts and fencing!

One day, my older sister Sophie fell sick, and I had offered to walk to the store to get medicine for her. My parents weren't that happy about it but they said alright since they both had to watch over Sophie.

But as I was walking back home, I saw the same hooded figure chasing me.

And here we are, me running away wishing I never came here. 

You might be wondering, why not just fight him with my skills. Well... I said I was a fan of martial arts, not that I practiced it... Oopsies, having life regrets now 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️.

As I ran I realized I had a phone, and dialed 911.

Luckily they came in time and took the masked man away.

As I lifted up the hood and mask  I saw...


It turned out she was jealous of me this whole time and had been plotting to kill me.

Well, the police took away my psycho bestie away and I lived a worry-free life.

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