sams lore speedrun

602 14 17

(made this for anyone who needs to get caught up with the show. this is probably not going to be anywhere neer 100% accurate but oh well. also not going to include everything because this would be a hour long chapter-💀)

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sun and moon get separated and eventually start getting along as any normal brothers would. eclipse comes along and pretends to be sun until he finally out's himself to moon.

eclipse eventually reveals that be want a incredibly powerful weapon known as the "newton star" that moon created and so he threatens moon to hand it over before october.

eclipse creats lunar as a distraction to moon and once october comes, the two fully take over sun and moon.

lunar goes behind eclipses back and forms a plan with monty. lunar and monty make a body for bloodmoon. eclipse and lunar have a fight and lunar gives moon back control. moon enters suns mind and tells him the plan to kill eclipse.

moon gets caught by eclipse and gets the star but before he can use it bloodmoon comes along and fights eclipse. sun forces eclipse into his mind and casts a spell that should have destroyed eclipse.

unknown to the two, eclipse had a backup in bloodmoon so he lived. (now this is the part where my memory gets a bit fuzzy)

bloodmoon goes and messes around with sun which causes sun to distroy him. eclipse transfers himself into his own body called "solar flare"

sun goes on a rampage to find eclipse while moon is having to deal with a "kill code" in his brain. moon goes into his mindspace and confronts killcode only to realize that he just wants to be a good guy. moon sacrifices his memories to let killcode transfer himself out.

sun wasn't successful in killing eclipse and eclipse escapes. while sun was talking to moon about who he was, eclipse had hunted down lunar and put a bomb in him. he then threatened monty (who cares for lunar) that if he doesnt give him the star then he would blow up lunar. monty gives eclipse the star but eclipse explodes lunar anyways.

moon and sun eventually get a decent brotherly relationship again. of course that doesn't last long before the two had a fight. sun was going behind moons back to create a plan that could possibly kill him. they end up doing it anyways.

moon senses eclipse's presence and gets the plan ready. eclipse teleports to the daycare talking about how he needed to tell moon to kill lunar. sun seems worried but goes with the plan anyways. sun blasts eclipse into the portal that leads to where moon is waiting.

eclipse attempts to warn moon about a potential future threat that would kill them all. moon doesn't believe him and aims a bunch of nukes at him. moon commands the nukes to fire, ending eclipse once and for all.

oh yeah, and lunar was fixed by monty but now he is "numb".

(aaand I believe thats all. specifically made this for YourBestieAlorii

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