𝟒. engaged

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NELSON WAS OVER at Vienna's house since there was something going on. Her mom came into her room to tell her to invite the Neumann's over for dinner.

"Okay?" Vienna responded, confused because they were only really over when there was something big coming. Her mom just smirks at her, walking away.

Vienna pulled out her phone to text Nelson.


Pretty girl🫶
my mom wants you and your fam
to come over

okay i'll let my mom know
not to be rude and say that i don't
want to come over but why
we only really come over as a family
when there's something big happening

Pretty girl🫶
thats what i was thinking too
also she could've texted the gc as well
idk seems kinda weird

okay well see you soon🫶 love you

Pretty girl🫶
Love you more

Vienna went downstairs to hang out with her siblings. She swung on the end of the railing and walked into the kitchen.

She was surprised to see her moms boyfriend; Vincent Robertson. "Oh, hey Vin. Mom didn't tell me you were going to be here."

"Hey Vee, we were just hanging out." He stuttered, a nervous smile on his face. Vienna narrows her eyes at the two when her mom slaps her boyfriends arm.

"Are you okay, mi amour?" Her mom questions and Vienna just shook her head, pointing to the living room where Valorie and Miles sat.

"No, I'm gonna go and watch with Val and Miles." She said, slowly walking to them. "Bye bye." And quickly, she speed walks to the living room.

"Hey Vee." Her brother said, his gaze following her as she sat down beside him. Vienna crossed her arms, furrowing her eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

"Have you noticed Mom and Vin being weird?" She asked him, glancing over her shoulder to see her mom scolding Vincent quietly.

"Nope." Both of her siblings quickly said, throwing popcorn in their mouths. Vienna just eyed them as well, deciding to just brush it off and text Nelson.


Pretty girl 🫶
What time are you coming?

Can't wait to see me, huh?

Pretty girl 🫶
Shut up
Yes I can't wait to see you :)

We're coming in half an hour

Pretty girl 🫶
Remember Vincent? Like my moms

What about him

Pretty girl 🫶
Idk nothing they're both just
acting weird

I see
We're coming now
Sooner than expected

Pretty girl 🫶
Okay see ya love you
Nelson ❤️ liked a message

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