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"I had a lovely time Carol" I said with a fake smile.

"I had a lovely time too, thank you." She smiled back. She looked outside the car window then turned back.

"Well I better go, see you around." She grinned

"See you." I said as she got out of the car. While she walks up to her door her hips shook from side to side. She wears a small skirt that has her ass on full show.

Fucking slut.

I should just stop trying to find someone to love, and live on with my life and die lonely.

Yeah, I think I'll do that.

I drive my way back to my house, with the radio humming the whole way there. I park my car in the driveway, and make my way to the front door. I unlock it and turn the
knob. As I walk into my house I see Katelyn the babysitter standing up from the couch.

"Hey" she greeted



Ah there's my toddler

I walk around the couch and see her standing up with her arms out, for me to carry her, I picked her up and rested her against my waist.

"Hi baby, how was your day today."

"It was fun Kat took me to the park and we fed some baby duckies."

"Aw that's nice" I smiled at her.

"I fed her dinner already but I didn't give her a bath." Katelyn informed.

"Oh, that's okay I can take her one." I said shrugging.

"I better get going I have to go to work early tomorrow." She said.

"Okay, let me get your money." I said reaching into my pocket. I took out two 20 dollar bills out of my wallet, and handed it to her.

"Thanks, have a nice night." She said waving.

"Bye Kat!" my baby yelled

"Haha bye Sabrina" she said back. After that she walked out and shut the door. I look at the child in my arms.

Let's take you a bath yeah?"

"Okay daddy" she nodded. I walk upstairs and go into her room.

"What toys do you want for your bath baby?"

"My colors and my mermaid." She replied giddily. I grabbed the objects and walked to the bath. I set her down on the floor, and turned on the bath. I turned back to her and sat on my knees.

"Arms up." I commanded. She lifted up her arms, while I took her shirt off.

"So, what did you have for dinner baby?" I ask her while I undressed her.

"Kat fed me the pizza that we had left over." I pick her up and put her in the tub.

"Hmm" I nod.

I take her "colors" and set them at the edge of the tub. I hand her the mermaid. I get her kid shampoo and wash her hair.
I then took the conditioner I put it in her hair and let it sit for a little while.

"Color with me daddy?" Sabrina asked holding up a blue water crayon.

"Okay baby" I smile and take it from her and tickle her side.

She giggled and started drawing on the tub with a red crayon.

"Look daddy I drew me and you." She pointed to her picture of two stick figures.

"It's beautiful my love." I smiled

"You draw funny faces daddy." She giggled, looking at the face I was drawing.

"It looks like it's pooping." She turned her head in confusion and giggled.

"It does huh?" I asked laughing.

"We're so silly daddy." I chuckled

"Yeah we are" I looked at her and we both giggled. I set the crayon down. As she kept on coloring I took the conditioner out of her hair and made sure it didn't get in her eyes. After that was done I leaned back and admired her while she colored. She is a beauty.

"I just wish she was my biological daughter." I thought

She wasn't my flesh. She wasn't my blood. She was a daughter to a couple that I didn't even know. I didn't expect her to come into my life. And most of all, I didn't expect her to be dropped of on my porch in a basket. She was a new born when I found her, only a week old. When I found her, their was two sheets of paper stuffed into the basket next to her. One of them was a birth certificate, and the other was a note, which I'm guessing was from her parents.


Dear Sir or Mam,
We leave our daughter in this basket because we simply can't afford a car seat to hold her in. We deeply apologize, for that we don't have money to take care and raise this beautiful child. We trust that whoever has this letter will raise our child better than we ever can. We are very sorry, please take care and never stop loving her.

Best wishes,
The Horans


That happend two years ago when I was 18, almost three years now as her birthday is in a few weeks.

"Why are you staring and smiling at me daddy?" I came back to reality.

"Because your so beautiful baby." I say tickling her sides. She giggled and blushed.

"I love you daddy." She smiled at me

"I love you too baby." I pucker my lips and ask for a kiss, which she does give me.

Even though she isn't my actual daughter, I treat her like she is.

"Are you ready to get out love?" I ask her.

"Mhmm" she nodded.

"Okay." I get up and get her a towel. I help her out of the tub and dry her. I take her to her room and change her into her pajamas so she can go to sleep. I put her in bed and tuck her in so she is warm and cozy.

"I love you daddy, goodnight." She said nuzzling into her blankets.

"I love you too angel." I said I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight" I whisper. I stood and walked the door, I turned the light of and shut the door. I went back to my room a also went to sleep.


I hope you guys like this :/

[it seems like a cute and sad story right now, but wait till later in the book, it gets more sexual 😏😊]

word count: 1,084





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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