(Snow white's story) chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a princess, the fairest of them all, who defeated a dark evil and went on to live happily ever after, but what happens when you're no longer the fairest? What happens when the one thing you attribute your worth to is stripped away forever? Well, our story begins right inside snow white's castle, a group of men brought her a magic mirror, they place the big mirror in front of her and left her be "My Mirror, tell me what you see today? What word of those beyond these walls? asked Snow white "It seems another has taken your place," said the magic mirror "no, no you told me that couldn't happen," said snow white. "The fairest can only be fair for so long," said the magic mirror. "But it's all I am, it's all I've ever been," said Snow white "We all grow old my dear, Beauty is power and all you are, you are nothing now," said the magic mirror.

"But you are meant to help me," said Snow White "though there are ways you can gain it all back, I can show you how," said the magic mirror as it looked at snow white as she looks down at herself "apples don't fall far from where the branch has been, but you'll do more than her," said the magic mirror. "I'm nothing like her, just tell me what spell I need for this to disappear, make things as they were," said Snow white as she starts having flashbacks of when she was younger "All I ever been gone in seconds flat, pretty as a rose was all I ever had," said Snow White as she snaps back into reality. "Now I have a chance to fix what was replaced, to let this kingdom know I won't take second place, I can't lose to some nobody, I won't back down, take what I've earned all these years, I cannot be beaten when it's all I've had," said Snow White. The story starts again anew, watch as the chaos now ensue.

Snow White then calls out for someone to fetch the Huntsman, a few minutes later the Huntsman arrives "your majesty I am in your hands what is it I must ask do you want from me," Asked the Huntsman, Snow white then looks to her magic mirror. "Show me who Is fairest in the land," the mirror then forms a picture of a girl "Sally may is now fairest in the land," Set the Magic Mirror making snow white angry at the second, she looks at her huntsman. "Find the Sally may and bring her here," says Snow White as a huntsman accepts her quest and sets off to go find the girl. The girl was in a field of flowers picking a bouquet as birds singed their song around her, the huntsman approaches her and tells her to come with him and that her highness Snow white requests for her to come to the palace with him.

She accepts and follows the huntsman to Snow white's castle, when they both got there the guards take our dear Sally to the dungeon and lock her up, the huntsman gets paid and leaves the palace. As Sally sits in her cell bed, she questions why she is locked up she finds out through the cracks in the ceiling that the mirror claims that Sally is the fairest in the land taking snow white's place as the fairest in the land. As Snow white sits in her thrown she declares for this evening to be a beheading just to warn her people what happens when you become fairer than their beloved Queen. By 4 o'clock in the evening she declares to her guards to bring Sally to the streets and bring her to the guillotine for her crimes against being fairer than her queen, the guards did as requested by their queen. 

They opened the cell that held Sally may and dragged her to the guillotine which was placed in the middle of the square and placed her head on the head rest of the guillotine, Sally looks up to see the Queen about ready to take a speech before her execution. As people gather around for this evening's execution to watch and see why this beautiful girl gets beheaded "people, today is a reminder for you all, this here is Sally may, her crime is being fairer than your queen," said Snow white. She gives the signal to her guards who set the guillotine and chopped Sally's head which falls into the baskets as Sally's head oozed blood and was left in a shocked expression and her hair and rosy cheeks being stained with her blood. Snow white smirks as blood gets slatted against Snow white's face and the people in the crowd screamed in horror from all the blood, Snow white stares at Sally's dead body as a weight from her body was lifted like a weighted blanket.

Now that Snow white knows she is now the fairest in the land again she feels much better now knowing things are back as they use to for her not even caring if this girl had a family calling out for her or if she had no family. "Now, let this all be known that whoever is the fairest in the land this is your consequence for it," said Snow white as she turned around and looked at her people with blood still on her face and an evil smile plastered on her face. It was then Snow white had started to see the ghost of her evil stepmother being proud of her deeds of innocently killing a girl all just to be the fairest in the land. Snow white was scared with fear coursing through her veins and her body seeing her ghost come to haunt her for her crimes, Snow white closed her eyes and turned around tripping on a nail and her failing and her head on the bedding of the guillotine.

 This caused the blade of the guillotine to fall and cut off Snow white's head, as her head rolls of the stage, the sky starts to rain, and everyone starts heads home as the body's get carted away to be buried.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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