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The episode starts out with Y/N looking nervous, this usually never happens because Y/N is quite brave, they looked at Cube who had a guilty expression on, "Cube? Did you knew about this?" Cyan sadly asked, H/N also sadly looked at Y/N, "Um...Well...I did have a dream about him..." Cube nervously said, the view switched to Iris looking furious, "I was told that he was made from the left over data from Cube. And now he wants to find us" Y/N said, "But I didn't think that was tru-" Cube said as he was cut off by Iris, "How about you just tell us the moment it happens?" Iris snapped, "This would've been good to know before we got here!"

"How was I suppose to know a dream is a sigh.!?" Cube said as he started to cry, "Hey! Don't yell at him. He clearly didn't know." Y/N said, "And now we know to save her brother and be awear of his corrupted self." Pentellow added, "So Quintagon. Can you show us the way to your brother?", "Oh there you are sis." a corrupted voice said, the view changed to show corrupted Hexagram, "Why did you run away? I missed ya.", "Hexagram!? Oh My God!" Quintagon exclaimed, "Cubic told me to follow you. And I'm glad I did." Hexagram said, "Come on sis. Join us."

"Stop right there! You are not getting any closer!" Tsavorite exclaimed, 

After the battle, Hexagram floated in the air as the usual rainbow effect as he healed, he fell to the ground - but Tsavorite caught him in time, Quintagon and Pentellow talked over to them, "Ow. Dang my head hurts." Hexagram said, "Is it really bad?" Quintagon asked, "Nah. I'll be alright." Hexagram replied, "Oh good! You we're saved by the Caretakers green hero" Quintagon said,
"Hey. I'm Pentellow."
Pentellow and Quintagon said at the same time, "WHAO!" Hexagram yelled, "Ya two look vey similar!", then Hexagon pointed to both Quintagon and Pentellow, "Yes! I spoke with your cousin Purpex and I wanted to know if I was related to you." Pentellow replied, "If that's the case. Then we need to confirm this with our dad." Hexagram said, "Yep! Follow us!" Quintagon said.

The view changed to Dub holding an almost corrupted treeangle piece, he then dropped it in a big tube filled with corrupted water and a treeangle with two corrupted pieces, he then put the pieces together and made a full corrupted tree, he then touched the corrupted tree and it glowed a pink light, a corrupted shape was born out of the tree - she floated up to the air with particles following her, the 'Hero' opened her eyes as Dub started in shock, the Hero floated down onto Dub hand and brought her close, the Hero looked around and flew up to Dub's face as if to hug him, "Hey. Hey. Hey!" Dub exclaimed, "Well. Seems like project C is completed.", the Hero turned into her second form, "You will be called...Cyanide." Dub said, Cyanide dashed up into the air, "Cyanide - A rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical that can exist in various forms." Cyan said, "I love it! XD What are you called? : )"

"The name's Dub. But you call me Boss." Dub replied, "Now. Let me introduce you to your caretaker.", the view changed to the Caretakers, Heroes, and Quintagon and Hexagram infront of a house, Hexagram then knocked on the door, after a few seconds an orange hexagram opened the door, "Who is it?" the shape asked, "It's us. Your kids!" Hexagram answered, "Oh yeah? How do I know if you two aren't just corrupts that painted their bodies to look like my kids?" the shape suspiciously asked, "Dad. You know everything a corrupt touches turns pink!" Quintagon exclaimed while Hexagram looked offended as he face - palmed, the shape looked embarrassed, "Right." the shape said, "Well hello Quinta and Hexa! I see you brought some friends and...A monster", "Yea! They're Caretakers and Heroes! We came to you to help find out is she's related our family" Quintagon said, "Holy smokes! She look just like you! Hmm..." the shape said, the group began to walk to the house when, "Um...Cyan..?" Cube asked, "Yes?" Cyan replied, "I need to talk to you..."

Cube said, the view changed to Cube and Cyan behind a tree, "...Cyan..." Cube began, "I haven't been the best Caretaker to you...", "I noticed how upset you've been getting and not having the confidence you had from the day I got you...", "Your confidence disappearing is all my fault...", "...I'm so sorry...", "Oh. Well I forgive you Cube. I am sure it is not easy to raise a Hero." Cyan reassured, "You're too kind Cyan...Listen. If my corrupted self shows up..." Cube said, "Don't be afraid...I'll make sure he won't hurt you...", "Ok. But what if you get corrupted?" Cyan asked, "Then dodge all of my moves while trying to force my head off my body..." Cube said, as Cube said that - Cyan looked shocked, "That's my weakness...I can't fight without my body..." Cube said, "Ok! I will keep that in mind!" Cyan exclaimed, "Heh...Good..." Cube said, the view changed to above the canopy - which changed from pure to slightly corrupted, it showed Cubic and Cyanide's silicone behind a tree infront of the house, Cube and Cyan popped up from under a window of the house, they nodded to each other and went under the window again.

"I can sense you Cube. Just come on out..." Cubic said as he was dripping, he then looked right - to see Cube charging at him, "SURE CUBIC..!" Cube yelled, he then punched Cubic away as Cyanide followed him, Cubic hit the tree and Cyanide put up a barrier around him, "Stop! :'0 Do not harm my Caretaker! :'(" Cyanide said as Cubic smirked evilly, "Whao! Who are you!?" Cyan said as he dashed up beside Cube as he was holding his corrupted hand, "I am Cyanide, And I am a Hero. :(" Cyanide replied, "SHUT IT.!!" Cubic yelled from behind Cyanide - he summoned blades as the barrier fell, he then shot it ad Cube who narrowly dodged it, but he flinched from his corrupted arm, then Cubic drove a drill through Cube, which resulted in corrupting him, Cubic then merged with Cube again, as Cyan was speechless, "I am...Really sorry. :( I did not know what he would do. :(" Cyanide said, "You are a Hero! Something should have told you this is wrong!" Cyan exclaimed as he dashed up to Cyanide, "Oh. :( I did not, I was just doing what Dub told me. :(" Cyanide said as he lowered her 'ears', "I MEAN BOSS! :0" Cyanide said as she corrected herself, "Cyanide. Dub is evil. Heroes are meant to stop Dub and the virus he created!" Cyan exclaimed, "What do you mean? :(" Cyanide asked.

The view changed to Cube suffering on the ground, "I will explain everything tomorrow. From now on. Do not interact with Dub." Cyan replied, "Just come with my caretaker and me. Ok?", the view changed to inside the house as Iris, Pentellow, Y/N, Cyanide, and Cyan sat up on couches, as Cube, Pyrare, Orange, Gold, and Tsavorite were sleeping - "So let me get this straight." Y/N said, "You and Cube hatched a plan to stop that corrupt.", "Only for it to infect Cube once more. And then discover this pink hero.", "The heck is wrong with this guy?" Iris asked, then Y/N glared at him, "Well Iris look at it this way. He did that to make sure that Version of him doesn't get us." Pentellow said, "Yeah. But there were better ways to handle that situation." Iris said, "Pentellow! We have an answer!" Quintagon exclaimed, "Really!? So what is it!?" Pentellow happily exclaimed, "You need to talk to Cintagon. Do you know who that is?" the dad asked, "Yeah!" Pentellow exclaimed, "Then you should see him tomorrow. You won't be disappointed!" Hexagram exclaimed.

Hmm...I wonder if she found out yet? (Cintagon)

To Be Continued

(FINALLY FINISHED THIS EPISODE WITH 1366 WORDS!!! This might have been a short episode, but I will try to make it up with the next episode!)

- 𝐓𝐏𝐂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 - [HIATUS LIFTED]Where stories live. Discover now