A car crash destroyed my life Part 1

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Hi, my name is Diana, vote and follow to here my story, and in the next week you will find 10 things you've lost!

My parents are very skillfully trained bodygaurds and undercover agents, so yeah, growing up I was the Girl With The Mysterious Strong Parents, but nobody knew I was the Girl With The Spy Parents, that's because they were extraordinary at keeping it a secret. 

Before I could walk, I was already throwing punches in the air. And once I was 3, my training had started. I trained 4 hours a day against robots. 

One day, my parents had gone to Italy undercover as fighting trainers to investigate some odd behavior of an old man. I'd been living with my aunt, who was also a secret agent. As I was walking back from school, I had felt a sort of happy beam in my stomach, because that day was supposed to be the day my parents came back. However, when I was home I was met with aunt's teary eyes. She hugged me and told me what other agents had reported to her.  "They said they were going to get groceries, just getting groceries and on their way back, and the old man had crashed into them on purpose , he had found out what they were doing. Their dead, but the agents are willing to send their bodies here so we can plan a funeral. The best of the best agents, and they died in a car crash! Why?! Listen, Diana, I know this is a lot for you to take, I just can't believe my sister-- and everything!"

At that time, I wasn't paying much attention, I was focused on how I would make that driver suffer. I had asked my aunt about his information, I was too young to go to italy and not trained enough to fight him yet . I dropped out of school and got a tutor instead, so that I wouldn't waste time. I began training every moment of my spare time, and by the time I was 18, I was ready.

I went undercover as the old rich suspicious man's son's bodygaurd and began snooping around the house. Within days I'd had the proof and sent it to the police. But just as I was sending in my last piece of evidence, the old man barged in. "Mr. Meyers! How can I help you, Sir?" Instead of replying he threw a nasty punch my way, I dodged it, but I was angry. He was met with my rage, the years of my time with my parents that he had taken away from me and he punches me? I slapped his face hard enough to leave a red mark on there for weeks, and I kicked him away like a piece of trash. Walking away, and totally owning the situation.

So guys, I did get revenge on the old man, but I ended up marrying his son. It's weird I know, but maybe

It might be another cover...?


There will be another chapter with Diana, like a part 2 or something! Maybe it'll be about her daughter, I'm not so sure!

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