First Day Prank M/F - Sophia's POV

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This series has a prequel—Back In My Day—if you want to check it out. You can find it on my profile🙂

It feels a bit strange to already be back at school. The summer break did fly by, indeed. I'm not unhappy about it. The past week, I've actually missed school and hanging out with my mates daily. I'm not too keen on hanging out with Mr Hollingworth, aka the evil creature, but when have I ever been? I always prefer the home-Sebastian and a motivation to behave at school is to enjoy those times at home.

As usual, my mates and I savour our morning break, basking behind the old garage. I haven't gotten any autumn vibes yet, and the weather is still fairly summery, and my summer skirt is still on, which feels somewhat dull. But it just gives me a thing to look forward to—those positive words were Jasper's, not mine, but I agree.

''Bells, can you keep a secret even if it's for me?'' Oliver whispers, and curiosity glitters in her eyes.

''Pinky promise,'' Bella reaches out her pinky finger, hooking it around Oliver's.

''We're pulling a lighthearted prank on Holling that might result in a sudden loud noise,'' Oliver whispers and discreetly opens his blazer where he's hiding something—one of those dog toys that look like a parched chicken and screech when you press it.

Bella's mouth shapes into an O, and her eyes shine up with excitement. ''I got those at home, and they're super funny to scare Debbie with,'' she giggles. ''I promise I won't say anything.''

''Perfect,'' Oliver grins, seeking Zander with his gaze. Our other friend is pacing back and forth on the opposite side of the abandoned car park, eyes glued to his phone. ''I got the idea from Zander's new boyfriend!'' he yells teasingly.

Zander darts a glare at his jolly mate. ''He's not! I've known him for a month!''

''Husband-to-be!'' Aiden quips.

Zander gives us the middle finger and immerses in his phone again.


I wince at the sudden blaring noise, but then I recall Oliver's silly prank, and my eyes find Sebastian by his desk. Our teacher has obviously sat down on his chair without checking for the possibility of a pet toy being hidden underneath the padding. His startled appearance is the reason for the titters you hear coming from students.

Sebastian's eyes quickly fall on the trolls. ''Hilarious,'' he articulates sarcastically and slams the toy on his desk, causing it to screech again. This time, we become braver and unleash our laughs until we're collectively reprimanded by Mr Forever Unamused. ''To whom does this ridiculous toy belong?''

The class turns as silent as the grave.

''I will throw it away then,'' Sebastian rolls back on his chair to plonk the toy in the paper bin, giving it a shake to bury it. ''...And I will figure out who it was.''

It's hard to understand how he can become such a stiff teacher. This prank would be fun to try out at home...

A while passes until Sebastian needs to leave the classroom to make some copies. In haste, Oliver sneaks to the front to take his screeching chicken back.

Only a few seconds pass until the door reopens, and Sebastian catches Oliver red-handed. He freezes, hands stuck in the crumpled waste of paper.

''You make it so easy for me, Bailey,'' Sebastian tuts.

''Zander snatched my notes and threw them in the bin, sir!'' Oliver lies impetuously.

Zander doesn't hear Oliver entangling him in this, engrossed in his phone with AirPods plugged in. Sebastian silently stalks to the back, and I gently nudge my friend as a warning, but it's too late.

2 | Defiance Discipline Dream RepeatWhere stories live. Discover now