i. the beginning of an end.

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umi keiko was shaken out of her daze by her friend's voice and concerned eyes, the smell of burning wood replaced by the train air.

"umi, you should pay attention to the stops." he points out, lips thinning with displeasure. keiko blinked.

"huh? iida, it's only been ten minutes since we boarded the train."

the ravenett doesn't falter. "yes, i know that." keiko pauses, fingers flexing and unflexing before continuing to sign.

"and it takes an hour and a half to get to yuuei. I think dozing off for a few minutes won't cause us to miss the stop, iida." he leans toward her, his brows furrowed, the smell of mint and pen ink wafting from him. "umi, we are former students of soumei junior high and are now in our first years in yuuei! we must be prepared at all times."

keiko frowns slightly. "iida, we maybe heroes in training but you memorized the way to yuuei and the schedule ever since we were accepted and i'm with you. i trust you, iida, and i trust you won't lead me astray."

the lilac haired teen locked eyes with the boy, stunning him with the honesty in them. he cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses and breaking their gaze, a faint blush on his face. "w - well, i won't let you down then, umi."

the faint smile he received from the other made him flush even deeper, turning away. "very well then, umi. you can doze off, as you say." keiko gratefully smiled, turning her gaze to the window. she rested her head on the window and fell into a nap with the constant motion on the near silent train, iida's gaze ticking from her face to the train stops every so often.

the duo began to make their way to yuuei after departing the train

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the duo began to make their way to yuuei after departing the train. the female yawned, stretching her arms up.

"iida, would you mind if we stopped by a store? i'm hungry." keiko sheepishly looked away from the youngest iida son's face.

he sighs, a tiny furrow between his brows. "i believe, that since we're going to be early, we can." he relented after a moment. cheering, the female dragged him with her, browsing the isles, mouth watering at the options. blue eyes studied her face as she snatched a few breakfast items with some water. she turned to her companion after debating between karaage chicken or salmon onigiri for lunch.

"are you going to get something?"

he shook his head. "no thank you, umi. i am fine."

she shrugged. with the quick transaction done, they set off to yuuei, uninterrupted.

once they set foot into their classroom, the blue haired male immediately set off to scold a classmate who had his feet on the desk. keiko pursed her lips, watching the scene with narrowed eyes.

"hey! you shouldn't disrespect the upperclassmen and women by putting your feet there!"

The blond sneered, his vermillion eyes flashing in the lighting. "huh?" seeing the seating chart, she moved to the seat at the back, setting her stuff on the ground.

"what school put that stick up your ass, extra?!" the blond barked.

iida blanched. "let's start over. i am iida tenya from soumei junior high—"

the blond leaned back, a cocky smirk playing on his lips. "a damn elite, huh? it'll be fun putting you in your place."

iida sputtered indignantly for a bit before the door opened loudly, catching everyone's attention. the horrified looking boy froze when he felt everyone's gaze on him, an odd squeaking noise escaping him when he made eye contact with the tense blond before iida broke the silence, marching up to him.

bored, the purple haired girl let her gaze wander from the odd scene, before catching sight of a yellow sleeping bag at the foot of the trio - when did that girl join the two? - and locked eyes with the man inside the comfortable bag.

"if you're here to make friends, then leave." the chatter in the room quickly falls with the gruff sentence that fell the bedraggled looking man's lips.

"it took you all eight seconds to get quiet. not bad." he reached into his banana peel to pull out a gym uniform.


lei speaks on the chapter

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lei speaks on the chapter. — hi! it's been a while, i'm sorry for the delay on this chapter but i'm changing the plot point of the fic, the missing chunk in the previous version & the chapter being affected by it. short chapter because it's a prologue ( or so to speak ) and it allows me to allow myself to find myself back into the fandom ( with my sister watching bnha on my hulu account... )

lei speaks on the book. — there will be a republished version of character info to reestablish the oc ( along with her family ) and some songs coming soon.

please don't forget to comment and vote <3

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