𝟔. thank you for the roses

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NELSON AND VIENNA sat in a room with Niles and Nelson's friends. Niles had an idea to go live, "niles you always end up ending the live right when you go on it." Vienna said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, but I have an idea." He responded, grabbing his phone and going live on tiktok. A bunch of people joined quickly, they watch as Niles starts swaying.

"What are you doing?" Vienna questions, furrowing her eyebrows.

People started sending gifts, Niles got a rose and he sniffed aggressively, making Nelson and Vienna's eyes widen.

"Thank you for the roses." He said, Vienna and Nelson share a look of confusion before bursting out in laughter. "Thank you for the roses!"

"Niles, what the fuck?" Nelson questions with a laugh. Jax laughs as well.

"Thank you for the glizzy."

"Oh hell nah!" Nelson yelled as Niles did the weird motion for glizzy.

"Niles, stop it." She said, standing up and walking towards him. Someone sent him a galaxy and then Niles started going crazy.

Vienna screamed, jumping back and watching Niles in horror as he screamed and jumped on the bed.

"Yo, Niles chill out." Nelson laughed, holding his stomach. Vienna covered her mouth and her eyes were wide at the sight. Niles went back to stand in front of the camera, acting like an npc.

How the fuck can he not laugh at how he's acting right now. Nelson grabbed Vienna's waist, pulled her back onto the couch.

They watched Niles do this for a while more before he ended the live. "That was some horror shit right there." Vienna pointed and Niles laughs.

"Can you guys stop being lovey dovey for one moment?" Niles glared at them, throwing a pillow. Nelson caught it, throwing it back at him and it hits Niles straight in the face.

Niles was going to flip him off until Cassie walked into the room, he puts his hands behind his back and she just eyes him.

"Your dad and I are going to out Vienna's mom." She mentioned, all dressed up and glammed up. "We gotta discuss for the wedding, you two watch Niles, okay?"

"Yes mom." Nelson nodded his head and then Cassie walked over to kiss her son's foreheads. She smiled down at Vienna and hugged her.

"See you guys." She winks and walked out.

Cam Fam👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Cam Wilder


Cam Wilder
Bro wtf

Vienna, Nelson and Niles all fell asleep on the couch in the living room. Vienna was in the middle, her head on Nelsons shoulder and his head laid on her head.

Niles laid his head on Vienna's lap, snoring loudly. When Cassie and Spencer came home, they smiled at the sight and took a picture.


Liked by vanderson2, nelsonneumann2028 and 141,674 othersrweofficial one last dance

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Liked by vanderson2, nelsonneumann2028 and 141,674 others
rweofficial one last dance.🎢
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vanderson2 ☹️☹️

username1 SAME!!!

vanderson2 we're coming back stronger
than ever
liked by rweofficial

nelsonneumann2028 hell ya.🔥

freelavar_ ‼️

camwilderr so excited.

liked by vanderson2

niennafp 2+12=❤️
liked by vanderson2 and nelsonneumann2028

hazelanderson ❤️🖤‼️

cassiecneumann 😊 yay!

roan speaks!
sorry for the boring short chapter :(
i'm running out of filler ideas so if u
guys have ideas pls comment them
also im busy with painting my room
and moving

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