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suhos pov

SHE WAS DOING IT AGAIN. Iris was back to doing what she had been doing a couple weeks ago, and that was avoiding Suho at any given instance. Whether that be not responding to his calls or messages, walking much earlier to school by herself and sometimes even taking the bus, or completely avoiding him at school, it was safe to say that it was driving Suho crazy. He had no idea why she was suddenly ghosting him and acting like he didn't exist.

Though he had found her behavior strange at first, he hadn't thought much of it and ignored it. However, when she had been a no show at their hangout the following Friday, and had been unresponsive to his calls and messages, he knew something was up. Though he wasn't sure what it was, he felt like he had done something to upset her and cause this sudden silent treatment.

Suho sighed at the thoughts as he gripped onto his bat harder and this time swung it with full force at the ball coming his way. He was currently at an indoor gymnasium located just around where the place he went for his Karate classes was. He had found himself coming to this gymnasium more and more to let out some steam through baseball.

Usually, it did a pretty good job at calming his nerves. However, today it seemed more difficult for that to happen seeing as Taehoon Lee had decided to accompany him, well, more like follow him there and refuse to leave.

"So why did you follow me here again?" he asked as he turned to the stunned boy who had been observing the Lee boy playing this whole time.

Much to Suhos dismay, Taehoon didn't respond to his question, and instead gave him a smug look, "I'm the one whos going to be doing the questioning here buddy." he told him and Suho had to stifle himself from rolling his eyes at him. This was exactly why he couldn't stand the boy.

The atmosphere got a little quiet, and for some reason, that's when Taehoon decided to break the ice and say what had been on his mind, which was also the reason that led him to follow Suho to the gymnasium and interrupt his alone time. "You like Iris, don't you?"

Suho was stunned by the question, so much so that upon hearing it, his grip on the bat loosened, and his stance was yielded. This only further convinced Taehoon of his suspicions, and the questioning look on Suhos face caused him to chuckle.

"It's so obvious man. I don't know how I didn't see it before." he stated before thinking back to all the signs that were there that he missed, "I mean, the way you were looking at her the other day in the study group session! and-"

Suho who felt himself begin to get flustered by the comments finally spoke up in hopes of shutting the boy up, "Is this conversation going anywhere or are you just going to giggle the whole time like some fangirl at a concert?"

Taehoon wasn't offended by Suhos words. In fact, he found them amusing as they added onto his speculations of his two classmates. "Of course it is." he muttered before eying Suho in confusion, "Why haven't you told Iris yet how you feel?" 

It was pretty obvious how the Kim girl had felt for the Lee boy over the past couple of years. Almost everyone knew about the said crush, as it was quite hard to miss with how much Iris' face would light up anytime Suho was in the room, or how defensive she'd get whenever someone made a snide comment about him. Which's why upon realizing that Suho reciprocated her feelings, Taehoon couldn't help but wonder why the two weren't together yet.

"Are you waiting for someone to steal her away-" Taehoon joked, knowing the girls reputation in the school and how well-liked she was by pretty much all. However, Suho didn't seem to find the comment funny, and if the harsh glare he sent Taehoons way said anything, it was for him to shut up.

"Not that it'll happen!"  Taehoon gulped, before quietly whispering, "But still?"

Suho sighed as he set the bat down and ran a hand through his hair, "I don't know." he shrugged, "I was planning on confessing on our hangout last week, but she was a no show." he explained.

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